10 Low Calorie Breakfasts You Will Love To Eat

What comes in your mind first when you hear ‘a classic healthy breakfast‘? Bread-butter and fruit juice? Poached egg, banana, and a glass of milk? Or a bowl of oats topped with your favorite fruits? While all of these are high in popularity and also pretty quick to prepare, your healthy breakfasts must not be so boring. After all, who wants to eat the same food every day? And if you are an Indian, it is even truer for you! The cultural diversity of India contributes significantly to its cuisine, which makes it easy for Indians to find quite a number of healthy choices for a wholesome breakfast. From Kashmir to Kanyakumari, people can easily take good care of their health while satisfying their taste buds with yummy yet low-calorie ‘first meal of the day’. So, here is a list of 10 low-calorie Indian breakfasts that you must try out to lead a fit and healthy life.

* Poha

A specialty of west India, poha is a healthy and tasty breakfast dish made of beaten rice. It is a fat-free item and is highly nutritious. Moreover, it is extremely easy to make and takes merely 10 minutes to cook and serve. Poha can be made in various ways by keeping the basic method the same, which has made the dish popular even across the country.

* Idli

Made of fermented rice and urad dal, Idli is a staple South Indian breakfast dish that is delicious and extremely easy to make. The light yet filling snack has absolutely no oil and only fewer calories. It is a steamed item that takes around 20 minutes to prepare and you can eat it alone or with sambar and coconut chutney depending on your preference.

* Curd Rice

Originated as a simple South Indian dish, curd rice has become the go-to meal for people all over the country. It is an extremely easy dish that takes hardly 10 minutes to prepare. All you need to do is mix curd with rice and cook the mixture for a few minutes with your favorite herbs. It is not only very tasty but also extremely healthy.

* Oats

An excellent choice for Indian breakfasts, oats are highly nutritious, light yet filling, and very low in calories. It is readily available in the market and takes no time to prepare as you can simply douse it in the steaming hot milk and start your day in a healthy way. To spruce up its taste, add fresh fruits and/or chopped nuts to the bowl.

* Fruit Salad

Fresh fruit salad is indeed a delight for people who prefer having low-calorie breakfasts. Though the number of calories can vary based on the types of fruits and the size of the serving, it is always significantly lower than most other common Indian breakfasts. You can munch on your favorite fruits with salad toppings or just have hem standalone with some salt and pepper. It is very filling and becomes ready in just 5 minutes.

* Rava Upma

Here is another delicious South Indian preparation that is now enthusiastically eaten throughout the country. Upma is a low-calorie, nutritious meal that keeps hunger pangs away and can be prepared in only 15 minutes. The versatile dish is made of wheat rava and can be modified with nuts, vegetables, etc. based on preferences.

* Vegetable Sandwich

Vegetable-filled sandwiches are a most welcome breakfast for working Indian couples as they have less time to prepare a healthy breakfast and this one takes not more than 10 minutes. Based on the methods of processing followed and the veggies as well as other ingredients used, these sandwiches can vary in calories. But if you stick to the healthiest choices, you are going to enjoy the maximum benefits.

* Plain Paratha With Curd

A specialty of India, parathas are a versatile item that can be made plain or stuffed based on individual choices. And when plain parathas cooked with less oil are served with fresh plain curd, it becomes a yummy low-calorie breakfast. You need only 15 minutes to prepare this meal and it is absolutely filing.

* Cereal

Cereals are readily available in India and provide an excellent source of less fat and more mineral content. Hence, a cereal breakfast is an absolute delight owing to its many advantages. Pick a wholesome cereal that will keep you filled for a long time and add low-fat or non-fat milk or yogurt to it. Your breakfast will be ready in no time.

* Egg French Toast

Egg-lovers will find French toast to be the ultimate choice for breakfast. When made with fresh bread and other nutritious ingredients including egg, milk, cinnamon, nutmeg, etc. by using very less oil, it not only becomes low in calorie but also really tasty. Above all, you can make it only in 10 minutes.
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