11 Remedies For Warts That Can Help To Cure Them

Warts are often unsightly. They’re stubborn growths that can appear almost anywhere on your skin, although they’re most common on your hands, feet and, in the case of genital warts, around your genitalia. Having warts can often leave you feeling embarrassed and irritated, but they are usually harmless. Luckily, these home remedies for warts can help to cure them.

Warts are caused by viral infections which infect the top layer of your skin. This then causes that layer to grow at a rapid pace – forming a wart. The virus can be caught if you cut your skin or damage it in some way and then come into contact with another individual with the virus. warts can be embarrassing, irritating, and depressing. You may also catch the virus through sexual intercourse or the sharing of towels, razors, and other personal hygiene items.

Children, teenagers and people with weaker immune systems are most at risk of developing warts, although they can be caught by anyone.

# Potatoes

Potatoes, and more specifically, their juices, make a great home remedy for warts. Slice a potato in half and rub the inside over the wart. Make sure to cover it plenty of the potato juices. If you repeat this method twice a day for two weeks your wart should go down.

# Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar makes a great home remedy for a number of issues. Soak a cotton ball or pad in some apple cider vinegar and attach it to your wart using bandage tape or something similar. Leave the vinegar to soak into your skin for three or four hours. Do this every day to see a result.

# Duct Tape

Duct tape is one of the most widely researched home remedies for warts. Cut a small square of tape and place it over your wart. Leave it on until it’s ready to be replaced. Continue reapplying the tape for around two weeks and you should start to notice a difference.

# Orange Peel

Rubbing your warts with orange peel is a great way to reduce their size and help them heal. The compounds in the peel with gradually turn your wart an orange color before it finally drops off. The process should take two weeks in total. Keep rubbing with the orange peel at least once a day until your wart has gone.

# Clear Nail Polish

Paint your wart with a thin layer of clear nail polish. This creates a protective shield over your wart which prevents further damage and helps it to heal faster. You should reapply the polish every other day for two weeks.

# Aloe Vera

Aloe vera gel is another home remedy that is great for all manner of skin conditions. Like with apple cider vinegar, you can soak a cotton ball or pad in some aloe vera gel and apply it directly to the affected area. Do this every day for two weeks and your wart should heal nicely.

# Garlic

Garlic has a number of healing properties which make it a great home remedy for warts and other issues. Rub a raw garlic clove over your wart on a daily basis over the course of two weeks. The natural oils and compound in the garlic will help to heal damaged skin cells and reduce the size of your wart.

# Bananas

Bananas are a great home remedy for plantar warts in particular. Place the peel from a banana over your wart, the inside of the peel should be touching the wart. Leave the peel there for as long as possible, making sure it stays in contact with the skin at all times. After three or four days, you should start to notice an improvement.

# Dandelion Milk

Applying the milk of a dandelion directly to the wart can help it to heal faster. Apply a little each day over the course of two weeks to see an improvement.

# Castor Oil

Rub a little castor oil onto your wart twice a day for two weeks. Over this two-week period, you should see an improvement in the size and seriousness of your wart.

# Vitamin E Oil

Slice open a vitamin E capsule to extract the oil from its center. You can then apply this oil to your wart and cover with a sock, glove, or band-aid. Leave the wart covered in this way overnight and rinse thoroughly in the morning. Doing this each night should see your wart heal faster.
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