3 Proven Health Benefits of Walnuts for Your Brain

It’s simply amusing to see the forgotten Vedic treasures of India finding its way back home. Everything is rebranded in a shiny envelope stamped with western science and facts.

In Dubai people eat lots of walnuts. It is the secret to their good health. Young children or aged people, everyone just swears by these nuts to keep their memory sharp and health good. India has known the benefits of these natural nuts since ages. ( akhrot in Hindi; Sanskrit/Indian name: Akschota) .The gradiated folds of walnut mimic a human brain.

These amazing brain nuts contain significant amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. Not just that, they are rich in antioxidants and contain many rare and useful vitamins and minerals.

# Walnut is an anti-aging nut

Walnut is proven to prevent telomere attrition. This is one of the greatest factor in checking the prime factors of aging and ailing. A study on telomeres quoted them as a cell’s biological clock, influencing the lifespan of the cell and the organism overall.

Shorter telomere length is associated with an increased risk of chronic illnesses including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and certain forms of cancers.

# Walnut prevents Alzheimer’s Disease

Many studies have also established the efficacy of walnuts in preventing and curing dementia or Alzheimer. An American study found that walnut extract breaks down the protein-based plaques associated with Alzheimer’s disease.

Another study from the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA suggests that eating walnuts may improve your cognitive function, memory, concentration and the speed of processing information.

A new study, led by an Indian-origin researcher, has found that a walnut-enriched diet may help reduce the risk, delay the onset or slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.

# Walnut benefits your memory

Walnuts help in the development of over three dozen neuron-transmitters within the brain enhancing the signalling and encouraging the new messaging link between the brain cells.

The study found significant improvement in learning skills, memory, reducing anxiety, and motor development after adding walnuts in the diet.
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