4 Proven Health Benefits of Drinking Cumin Water

Drinking cumin water for weight loss may not be an obvious solution, but it is certainly one that has worked for many people in the past. Interestingly enough, several studies have shown that cumin could have a powerful impact on weight loss and may even be as effective as certain weight loss medications.

Cumin water is made by soaking cumin seeds (commonly known as jeera) in water overnight. This simple recipe has been used for thousands of years as a natural remedy for all sorts of ailments, but its notable effects on weight loss are particularly interesting.

While this may sound like any other fad diet or weight-loss trick, extensive research has been carried out on the effects of this water, and the results are positive. Although the taste of this water isn’t overly appealing to some, its undeniable health benefits are very attractive. Regularly consumed in India and other Asian countries as an afternoon tonic or refreshing drink, cumin water can help you in numerous ways.

# May Aid in Digestion

The various active ingredients in cumin seeds, including cumin aldehyde, can stimulate the release of gastric and digestive juices, which speed the process of digestion, while also enhancing nutrient absorption and improving overall gastrointestinal function.

Cumin has also been shown to be beneficial in the treatment of certain digestive conditions that may impact weight loss. For example, one study published in the Middle Eastern Journal of Digestive Diseases showed that taking cumin helped improve symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome after just two weeks.

# May Reduce Toxins

By possibly reducing toxicity in the body and stimulating both the kidneys and the liver, this use of cumin for weight loss can improve metabolic function, and facilitate proper digestion. In fact, an animal study by Sheweita et al. showed that administering cumin combined with fennel and clove helped prevent liver damage in mice. Another animal study in Phytotherapy Research found that cumin helped reduce the toxic effects of alcohol in rats.

# May Improve Immune System

Cumin has a number of antioxidants that support the immune system, and when there is less strain on the body, it is able to function efficiently, including in its natural calorie-burning processes.

# May Improve Sleep Quality

Some elements in cumin water may also aid in sleep, which is a surprisingly important aspect of weight loss. Your body needs to rest so it avoids storing excess fat and energy, as it does while under stress. Getting enough sleep can also help keep energy levels up to help fight fatigue and promote physical activity for weight loss.
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