5 Exercises To Do Daily For Fitness

Every girl is aware of her problem areas. However, you don’t always have time to hit the gym. Fret not, you can now get the desired body with easy to-do home workouts with promising results.

* Squat and Kick

- Stand with your feet width apart, shoulders straight and hands behind your head.

- Keep your back straight, bend your knees and sit back as far as you can, then rise. Make sure to keep your knees in line with your feet.

- Kick your right leg in front of you.

* Step up

- Stand in front of a step or a bench or an elevated surface of that height with your hands at your waist.

- Put your left leg on the step and push upwards until the left leg is straight.

- Lower your body until your right leg touches the ground.

* Side Plank

- Lie down on your left side with your legs straight.

- Raise your hips on your left elbow and forearm until your ankle and shoulders form a straight line.

- Hold this position for 30 seconds.

* Crunches

- Lie down with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor, keep your hands behind your head with your elbows out on each side.

- Make sure there is space between your chin and chest.

- Gently curl your abdominal in, so the your head, neck and shoulder blades lift off the floor.

- Hold for several seconds before going back to your starting position.

* Bridge

- Lie down face up, hands to your side, knees bent and feet flat on the floor.

- Raise your hips upwards so that your body forms a straight line between your shoulders and knees.

- Hold your position for a few seconds before lowering to starting position.
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