5 Foods That Help in Increasing Platelet Count

Low platelet count also known as thrombocytopenia is a medical condition in which our platelets are lower than normal. But there are wonderful remedies and foods to increase platelet naturally. I wanted to share 10 best remedies to increase platelet count that really works.

Platelets also called thrombocytes are colorless cells produced by bone marrow that are present in our blood stream and their main function is clotting. Bone marrow which is found inside the bones contains stem cells which mature and develop into white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets.

# Amla juice

Amla also called as Indian gooseberry is an amazing in increasing platelet count. Drink amla juice often to increase platelet count, try to have a cup daily.

# Wheat Grass Juice

Wheat grass juice made by grinding wheat grass with little water is an amazing way to increase platelet count. Try to grow your own wheat grass at home to make fresh juice easily.

# Leafy Greens

Consuming leafy greens daily is an other effective way to increase platelet count effectively. Try to include sautéed greens in your diet at least weekly thrice.

# Pomegranate Juice

If you are suffering from low platelet count try to consume either amla juice or pomegranate juice daily, both will help increase platelet count fast.

# Sesame Seeds

Consuming sesame seeds is an amazing way to increase platelet count. At home we make a traditional sweet with sesame seeds called ellu urundai. It is a traditional remedy for people suffering from anemia.
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