5 Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate is a pure effective thing for our body as it is loaded with nutrients that can affect your health positively. Dark chocolate is made from the seed of cacao tree, and it is one of the best sources of antioxidants we have known. A bite of dark chocolate a day could not only be good for your heart but it also improves brain functioning, reduce stress, and lowers the risk of heart diseases and diabetes.

Dark chocolate can help your heart to stay healthy

According to researchers one of the biggest benefits of consuming dark chocolate daily is improving heart health. Lots of studies also reveal that flavonoids in dark chocolate can help in maintaining heart health as it helps your veins and arteries to stay supple.
According to studies it was also shown that people who ate dark chocolate more than five times a week reduced their risk of heart disease by 57 percent.

Dark chocolate may put you in better mood

Once I was in a café and I had seen a girl next to my table was fighting and crying as his boyfriend and she had some heated arguments and they both were in a bad mood and suddenly his best friends call arrive and he ask him for some help and he said order some dark chocolate made dish to freshens her mood, that day I had come across this fact about dark chocolate as studies show consuming high concentrations of dark chocolate may benefit your brain.
Some researchers says that dark chocolate stimulates neural activity in areas of the brain associated with the pleasure and reward which in return decreases stress and improves your mood.

Dark chocolate improves blood sugar level and reduce the risk of developing diabetes

According to some studies eating dark chocolate daily which are rich in cacao could improves how the body metabolizes glucose. The flavonoids in dark chocolate were helps in reducing oxidative stress, which scientists think is the primary cause of insulin resistance. By improving your body’s sensitivity to insulin, resistance is reduced and in turn risk of diabetes decreases.

Dark chocolate helps in weight loss

Eating chocolate for reducing weight could be the last option we can think about but many researchers suggests dark chocolate may play a huge role in losing weight as dark chocolate helps in controlling appetite, which in turn could help with weight loss.
Studies also says that dark chocolate helps in reducing cravings for salty and sweet snacks as a piece of dark chocolate fills you up .

Dark chocolates are very nutritious

If you buy quality dark chocolate with a high cocoa content, then it’s quite nutritious. It contains enough amount of soluble fiber and have lots of minerals.
Dark chocolate with 70-85% cocoa in A 100-gram bar contains:
Fiber- 11grams
DV for Iron- 67%
DV for magnesium- 58%
DV for copper- 89%
DV for manganese- 98%
In addition, it has plenty of potassium, phosphorus, zinc, and selenium.
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