5 Health Benefits of Drinking Lemon Juice

Lemon water seems to be the all-powerful beverage. More people, including acclaimed celebrities, are swearing by its therapeutic effects. Despite the sensation, research is still ongoing.

* Boosts Immunity

Lemon water is rich in vitamin C, a potent antioxidant. A cup (244 grams) of lemon water (juice) contains 94.4 milligrams of vitamin C, which is more than the RDA. Vitamin C is known to boost immune function.

* Weight Loss

A cup of lemon water contains just about 54 calories. This way, it can easily make its way into your weight loss diet plan. Replacing high-calorie beverages with lemon water could be a good idea to boost your health and even keep away from additional calories.

* Prevent Kidney Stones

Lemon water contains citrate (the salt in citric acid present in lemon water) that binds to calcium and helps prevent stone formation. Drinking just half a cup of lemon water (juice of just two lemons) every day can increase urinary citrate excretion and cut the risk of kidney stones.

* Promotes Mental Health

Citrus juice (like that of lemon) is rich in flavanones that have been found to promote cognitive health. These flavanones work by increasing blood flow to the brain. This can boost mental health.

* Boost Exercise Performance

Lemon water improves hydration. Research shows that hydration, in general, boosts exercise performance. In a study on athletes engaging in in-season training, regular hydration could promote their performance. This is because hydration improves sodium loss that is often rampant due to an individual’s increased sweat rate during physical exertion.
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