5 Health Benefits of Eating Bananas Daily

Figuring among the most widely consumed fruits around the world, bananas are so popular and are not restricted to monkeys alone. In fact, bananas are more in demand than any other fruit in the US so much so that their consumption is greater than the combined consumption of both apples and oranges.

So, why is everyone going bananas about bananas? Well for one, it’s incredibly easy on the taste buds, but you probably already know that. What isn’t common knowledge, however, is the nutritional worth of this fresh fruit. Among health and fitness circles, bananas are treasured for a wide array of inherent health-promoting virtues.

* Regulates Bowel Movements

When it comes to irregular bowel movements, there is nothing that a well-ripened banana can’t fix.Bananas contain a good amount of insoluble fiber (1.2 grams/100 grams of the edible portion of banana) that travels through the digestive tract, sweeping up waste and adding bulk and softness to the stool. This helps improve bowel motility by facilitating a regular and smoother movement of stool through the bowels.

* Provides Natural Energy

As energy boosters, bananas pack quite a solid punch of minerals and carbohydrates that provide a quick supply of natural energy. In addition, bananas have a healthier blend of three natural sugars: glucose, sucrose, and fructose. The combination of these sugars provides a substantial amount of energy.

* Soothes Stomach Ulcers

Bananas are beneficial for your stomach health in two ways. First, bananas stimulate the secretion of the thick protective mucus lining in the stomach that serves as a barrier against corrosive stomach acids, thereby averting the risk of gastric ulcers.

* Supports a Healthy Heart

Bananas are rich in potassium, a mineral electrolyte that is essential for your heart health. It helps maintain a regular heartbeat and a proper balance of water in the body.People who eat diets high in potassium-rich foods like bananas can also substantially reduce their risk of stroke, regulate blood pressure, and prevent various heart diseases.

* Aids in Weight Loss

If you are looking for a food that can help you lose weight, bananas are a perfect choice. Not only do they boast a favorable nutritional profile, but bananas offer the added advantages of being low in fat and calories.Furthermore, they are replete with dietary fiber that absorbs water and takes up a lot of space in your stomach, thereby keeping you satiated for a longer period.
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