5 Hidden Health Benefits of Aloe Vera

Gone are the days when aloe vera was just a potted plant sitting on your windowsill, jazzing up your home decor. Conventionally used to soothe the skin of rashes and burns, aloe vera has etched its place for good reason in our daily lives.

Aloe vera is a succulent plant with thick green leaves that grows best in tropical conditions. With little or no effort involved, growing aloe vera is fairly easy as long as you don’t overwater it. According to Egyptian folklore and stone carvings dating back to 6000 BC, aloe vera was known as the “plant of immortality” and gifted to the Pharaohs.

Keeping in mind all that it offers to benefit the human body, aloe vera is a treasure trove of properties. Aloe has been used for centuries for beauty and health to help treat inflammations, infections, burns, indigestion and swelling, and the list goes on.

* Improves Digestion

The latex of aloe contains aloin, which confers laxative properties that may help bowel regularity according to a study with rats. A 2018 review corroborated the use of aloe vera as a safe and effective measure to treat the patients with IBS against a placebo.

* Relieves Heartburn

Aloe vera can help control acid reflex, the primary reason behind heartburn, by reducing the secretion of gastric acid.

* May Lower Blood Sugar

Preliminary research on diabetic and prediabetic patients suggests aloe vera may help with glycemic control while also lowering blood cholesterol levels.

* Reduces Joint Pains

Aloe vera may help reduce the pain and swelling in your joints from arthritic pain due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

* Maintains Oral Hygiene

The antibacterial properties of aloe vera make it a healthy alternative to treat dental and gum infections and injuries.
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