5 Home Remedies To Get Rid of Black Spots on Teeth

Have you ever spotted any ugly dark stain on any part of your teeth while opening your mouth wide? Are you holding your beautiful smile back because of those black spots? Do you want to get rid of teeth discoloration but have no idea what exactly to do? We have got you covered!

Black spots can occur anywhere on your teeth – be it on the front or at the back. They are caused by the erosion of the enamel on the teeth. The staining or black spots reflect poorly on one’s dental hygiene and general habits. In most of the cases, a simple scaling can eliminate the issue. Brushing the teeth with pumice powder may also work. But most black spots on the teeth are recurrent and hence, the professional cleaning can be required to resolve the aesthetic problem. However, ultrasonic cleaning is never recommended for this purpose as it can lead to enamel removal.

* Brush your teeth twice a day. Swish your mouth with some water or mouthwash every time you eat or drink something.

* Do not forget to floss your teeth to remove any food particles deposited in the interdental gap. This is one of the major breeding grounds for bacteria.

* Chew on a lot of raw foods like celery which helps in cleaning your teeth and keeping your breath fresh.

* Add a pinch of baking soda to your toothpaste before you brush. Baking soda has abrasive properties which help get rid of superfluous stains.

* Make a paste by mixing strawberry with baking soda and salt. Rub it daily for 5-10 minutes. Plaque will be removed by Vitamin C present in the strawberry and Malic acid will eliminate the black stain.
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