5 Home Remedies To Treat Hangover

Do you ever wake up to an excruciating headache and feel like the world around you is rotating? Furthermore, do you feel like throwing up? These are all signs of experiencing a hangover, probably a result of drinking too much the previous night. Don’t worry! Revelry, fun and frolic is a part of life! Getting smashed may leave you with unforgettable memories if done with the right people. Here are 5 ways to get rid of a hangover.

* Consume Sugar

Sugar is know to enhance alcohol metabolism. This will reduce your hangover. What’s better? Consume sugar or sweet food while you’re drinking. This will prevent a hangover or reduce its intensity.

* Drink Water

Water is essential to flush the alcohol out of your system. Staying dehydrated will avoid headaches and indigestion. Drink water in between your alcoholic drinks as well as the next day after you wake up.

* Eat Bread

Grease up your stomach and stuff yourself with fatty food before drinking alcohol. Consume a lot of bread as it efficiently soaks up all the alcohol in your system curbing the chances of a hangover.

* Eat A Heavy Breakfast

Consume a heavy breakfast the next morning. However, keep in mind that greasy foods are advisable to consume only before drinking and not the next day. Consume a protein rich breakfast and you’ll be good to go.

* Sleep Well

The best solution to get rid of a hangover is to puke out the alcohol if you feel like and getting a good sleep. Wake up for breakfast and go back to sleep. This way the body heals itself.
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