5 Home Remedies To Treat Mosquito Bite

Though some mosquitoes can carry the West Nile virus or the now-infamous Zikavirus, most mosquito bites will do nothing more than cause an itch, which in itself can be absolutely maddening. Luckily, natural (and not so natural) mosquito bite remedies can provide itch relief so you can get back to enjoying the great outdoors this summer.

* Antihistamine cream

This is one of your best bets if you’ve suddenly found yourself the main course of a mosquito feast. When mosquitoes bite you (and siphon out your blood), your body sends histamines to the site of the bite because it doesn’t recognize the mosquito saliva. An over-the-counter antihistamine cream will help to soothe the itch. Make sure the active ingredient in your cream is dyphenhradamine to maximize effectiveness. Keep a stick or a tube handy when you’re spending a lot of time outdoors.

* Ice or a cold compress

A sure-fire way to soothe a mosquito bite fast is to give it a chill pill. The cold sensation will help numb the itch and help relieve any swelling associated with the bite. Studies have proven the cold can help reduce any histamine-related itch, so this might be helpful if you find yourself breaking out in hives from something else as well.

* Toothpaste

According to the Farmer’sAlmanac, applying regular toothpaste to the bite site can help relieve the itch. This also can help reduce the pain of a fire ant bite (I’ve tried it – it works!). It might have something to do with the menthol in the toothpaste, which also creates a cooling sensation.

* Baking soda and water

Make a paste with baking soda and water, apply it to the bite and leave for a few minutes before washing off. Baking soda and water make an alkaline solution, which neutralizes the pH of the skin to provide itch relief.

* Lemon and lime juice

These can help relieve the itch, but only try this remedy if you haven’t already scratched the bites. Applying citrus juice to open cuts will sting. Also, only use lemon and lime juice if you’re going to be indoors for a while. Applying these outside can lead to severe sunburns.
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