5 Home Remedies To Treat Skin Allergy

One of the most common problems faced by millions across the world is a Skin Allergy! When a particular object comes into contact with the skin, it immediately overreacts. The result is an inflammation on the skin, followed by redness, itchiness and rashes. While most skin allergies wane in a day or two, certain conditions can be life-threatening. Get to know the causes, symptoms, along with some of the best skin allergy home remedy methods for instant relief.

* Aloe Vera

A popular skin allergy treatment home remedy is Aloe vera. Being a skin-friendly plant, Aloe Vera gel is widely used all over the world maybe in packed and pre-packed cases or just directly to cure skin ailments. Cut an aloe leaf, scalp the outer leaf layer and use the transparent sap and fleshy part of the insides to create a paste and apply it. It will immediately soothe the itching and redness and give you a cooling effect.

* Apple Cider Vinegar

ACV or Apple Cider Vinegar is yet another effective skin allergy remedy that can be applied directly through a cotton ball or swab on the affected regions. The expert antibacterial antifungal properties in it help the rashes and itchiness by working on the rashes to reduce them significantly within a formidable time.

* Fuller’s Earth

Fuller’s earth is an age-old home remedy for skin allergy itching. The fuller’s earth is basically a solidified clear soil compacted and sold in any nearby drug store either in rock form or ground form. Make a paste of it and apply it on the affected areas. The instant cooling effect will immediately provide relief.

* Oatmeal

Every morning while you grab your cereal bowl for a handsome oatmeal breakfast, prepare some more of it without the sugar or supplements and apply it directly to the skin. One can even use the raw form by mixing it in with milk and other ingredients. Along with its anti inflammation properties, it also provides a cool soothing after effect. This is one of the best home remedies for skin allergy on the body.

* Bentonite Clay

Bentonite clay is once again a miracle product especially for those nasty rashes in your face. This is an effective face or skin pack during your itchy scratchy allergy days. Just like fuller’s earth, make a thick paste of it, apply it evenly on a gauze or cotton pad and stick the sticky mixture to your skin.
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