5 Lower Body Yoga Poses To Lose Weight Fast

If you are planning to lose weight, there is no way you can miss out on physical exercise. While workouts at the gym may help you lose some fat quickly, practicing Yoga for weight loss can give you a strong and agile body, along with a positive mindset.

In this article, we shall learn about the many Yoga poses for weight loss, along with detailed information on the benefits and steps to perform them at home. Performing them regularly, along with a healthy diet and lifestyle changes, is sure to help you meet your health goals. So, if you are ready to bring about a positive impact on your life, it’s time to take the Yoga route!Listed below are some of the best Yoga asanas for reducing weight in the lower portion of the body. Practicing them regularly can help you achieved toned thighs and hips. Read along to know the benefits of each and the steps to perform.

* Bridge Pose

If you would like to tone your abs and thighs and strengthen your shoulders, then this is the Asana that you should be performing. The name Setu Bandhasana has been derived from the Sanskrit term Setu, which means Bridge and Bandh, which means lock and the pose is similar to bridge lock posture. It improves blood circulation in the body and promotes better digestion, making it one of the best Yoga asanas for fast weight loss.

- Lie on your back with your feet flat on the floor and arms on either side.
- Now while exhaling, push your torso up, off the floor, such that your neck and head are flat on the floor and in line with your feet.
- Do not overexert yourself while you arch your spine in this position.
- For more flexibility, you may clasp your fingers below your arch, or grab on to your ankles from the inside.

* Utkatasana Yoga Pose

This is one of the easy Yoga asanas for weight loss, also known by the names of Chair Pose, Lightning Bolt Pose, Fierce Pose or Wild Pose. In Bikram Yoga, it is also known as Awkward Pose. This Asana focuses on strengthening the core muscles, thighs, and tones the buttocks by melting excess fat from the areas. Therefore, it requires concentration and focuses on these muscles that are used to perform this yoga asana to remove excess fat.

- Stand on the yoga mat with your palms folded (Namaste).
- Raise your hands above your head and bend at your knee so that your thighs are parallel to the floor.
- Stay in this position as long as you can taking deep breaths and then return to the original position.

* Shalabhasana

Shalabhasana derives its name from the Sanskrit word which means locust. Here is how you can do this Asana and also the various benefits of doing it. This best Asana for reducing weight works by boosting your metabolism and improving digestion. Along with helping you lose belly fat, it also strengthens your shoulders, belly, and chest muscles. This Asana also helps in relieving stress and improving posture.

- Lie on belly with arms rested beside. The forehead should rest on the floor and palms open.
- Turn big toes towards each other. Keep your buttock firm.
- While exhaling, lift your head, legs, arms and upper torso from the floor.
- Make firm your heels and legs.
- Raise your arms to parallel to the floor and stretch through fingertips.
- Arms towards the ceiling.
- Look straight while keeping neck and back straight.
- Maintain the position for 30 seconds before exhaling.

* Paschimottanasana

This is one of the best sitting yoga poses for weight loss which aids in stimulating the center of your solar plexus. If you suffer from fatigue, this Asana could infuse new-found energy in you. It stretches the entire body and helps in reducing fat from the abdomen. By improving digestion, it reduces the symptoms of flatulence and constipation. It helps in creating mindful eating by alleviating stress and depression.

- Straighten legs while you sit on the floor.
- Draw groin in
- Elongate front torso and bend forward from the hip. - Stretch until you hold your feet with hands. You can use a strap to hold your feet.
- Maintain the position for close to a minute.

* Warrior Pose

This standing Yoga for weight loss gets its name from the mythical warrior pose. It helps to remove fat from the belly while allowing the lungs and chest to stretch. By stretching outward, it can cause a contraction of abs that leads to a flat belly. The Asana also corrects your posture, tones your butt muscles and offers a good body balance.

- Stand on the floor.
- Exhale and keep feet apart.
- Raise hands perpendicular to the floor and parallel to each other.
- Turn to your left 45 degrees into the right, and your right to 90 degrees to the right.
- Rotate torso to the right.
- Bend your knee to ensure the shin is perpendicular to the floor.
- The back foot should be firmly rooted in the ground.
- Spread palms together.
- Tilt head back.
- Maintain the position for 10 seconds.
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