5 Proven Health Benefits of Calendula

Calendula is an herb popular in India, Western Asia, North America, and Europe. You may have known this herb as Pot Marigold, primarily seen in ornamental use. However, Calendula is also used as a medicinal herb. The extracts from different parts of the Calendula, such as flowers, seeds, petals, and leaves, are generally used in ayurvedic treatment. It is mainly because of its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-tumor properties. Calendula benefits your health in many ways.

Calendula herb benefits your immune system because of the bioactive compounds present in it. These compounds are phenols, flavonoids, carotenoids, and quinones mainly. They help cure skin inflammation, eczema, muscle spasm, and joint pain. Read on to know more about how Calendula benefits your health.

# Improves Your Skin Health

Calendula has anti-inflammatory properties that help to treat skin conditions such as allergies, inflammation, and pain. Flavonoids, saponins, and triterpenoids are the three most important factors of Calendula that contribute to this property. It can be used to treat skin problems like eczema and dermatitis. Calendula also prevents histamine secretion in your body. This often causes redness, high pigmentation, and free radical activity in your skin.

Antioxidants from flavonoids in Calendula improve hydration in your skin too. These antioxidants help reduce aging signs that can occur at an early stage. You can use Calendula oil to protect your skin against exposure to harmful UV radiations from the sun. The antioxidants in the herb act as SPF, which prevents oxidative stress in your skin. Calendula also nourishes your skin, helping it absorb nutrients and moisture better. It provides natural nutrients like vitamin E, which is why Calendula for skin care is quite popular.

# Boosts Your Immunity

Calendula has anti-microbial properties that protect your body from bacterial infections. Calendula prevents diseases from spreading and kills pathogens. Additionally, the antioxidants present in Calendula reduce oxidative stress in your body by preventing free radical activity.

Calendula stimulates blood circulation and detoxifies your body as well. This helps your body to fight against toxins and treat infections. Calendula also helps with varicose veins, capillary engorgement, and a congested liver.

# Lowers Risk of Cancer

Calendula has anti-tumor properties. It activates proteins in your body that kill tumor cells. This reduces your risk of cancer by blocking other proteins that promote cell death. Calendula tea and dried flowers are beneficial for their antioxidant components that treat dermatitis from radiation therapy in cancer patients.

# Stimulates Your Oral Health

Calendula can be used as a mouthwash for its anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial activities. Calendula herb benefits the mouth by promoting healing. The active compounds can provide you relief against sore throat and swelling from infections. You can use Calendula tea to treat tonsillitis and provide relief from toothache pain. Calendula can also cure gingivitis and dental plaque.

# Promotes Wound Healing

Calendula benefits also extend to healing muscle spasms and joint pains such as arthritis and gout. It regulates a few proteins in your body that help in healing wounds. It increases collagen in your body that forms new skin to heal cuts. Calendula can act as a sedative due to its bioactive compounds and can give you relief from body pain. It also helps with gastric ulcers and inflammation.
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