5 Reasons You Should Add Garlic to Your Meal

"Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.”

Those are famous words from the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, often called the father of Western medicine. He actually used to prescribe garlic to treat a variety of medical conditions. Every food ingredient is good fr health, you just need to know how. Here are 5 benefits of Garlic.

1.Garlic Contains a Compound Called Allicin, Which Has Potent Medicinal Properties.

2.Garlic Is Highly Nutritious, But Has Very Few Calories. Garlic also contains trace amounts of various other nutrients. In fact, it contains a little bit of almost everything we need.

3.Garlic Can Combat Sickness, Including the Common Cold. Garlic supplementation is known to boost the function of the immune system.

4.The Active Compounds in Garlic Can Reduce Blood Pressure.

5.Garlic Improves Cholesterol Levels, Which May Lower The Risk of Heart Disease.
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