5 Spices that can Replace Medicines

India- a well known country for it spices and culture. In every part of India you can find a new kind of spices being grown and widely used. Adding spices in your food provides infinite health benefits. They cleanse the oral cavity from food and protect the mucous membrane. They even help in diminishing blood pressure. Many of the spices are also used as beauty products and hair care products. Here is a list of 5 spices that can work as medicine.

Fenugreek Methi

The seeds of methi are used as seasoning and preparing masalas. Its seeds are helpful in increasing the breast milk in lactating women.it is also used for lowering cholesterol and reducing blood sugar levels.

Coriander dhania

It is a herb which is used as a condiment,garnish or decorating dishes.its leaves have a pleasant aroma.its leaves is highly beneficial in deficiencies of vitamin A,B1,B2 and iron.it promotes a feeling of coolness which helps in reducing fever.juice of fresh coriander leaves help in treating digestive disorders.

Turmeric haldi

It is mainly used in powdered form for imparting a rich custard like yellow color to the dishes.it is used as antiseptics for cuts & burns.juice of turmeric is used for purification of blood.it helps in preventing and curing pimples.

Clove laung

It offers many health benefits like it helps in boosting digestive functioning.also helps in controlling vomiting. relives the irritation in the throat. decreases pain in toothache.

Cardamom elaichi

It is commonly known as queen of spices. It is the main ingredient in tea which is used to reduce headache.it is used to combat nausea, acidity,depression, blood pressure etc.cardamom has a unique taste, with an intensely aromatic fragrance which helps in freshening the breath.
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