5 Ways To Increase Your Appetite Naturally

Appetite loss is characterized by symptoms like a decrease in hunger or desire to eat and is often accompanied by fatigue, nausea, vomiting, or upset stomach. It may eventually lead to unhealthy weight loss. The problem can be caused by digestive disorders, infections, and nutritional deficiencies (for instance, zinc deficiency). Plus, mood also tends to affect your appetite.

Thus, anxiety disorder, nervousness, stress, depression, dementia, and other emotional factors, neurological illnesses, too, may lead to sudden loss of appetite.

# The most obvious suggestion for improving the appetite is to eat your favorite foods in order to stimulate the appetite. Plus, try new foods. Overindulgence in unhealthy foods, though, is not recommended.

# Opt for snacks that are delicious yet healthy. Milkshakes, muffins, smoothies, sandwiches, peanut butter with crackers, cheese, cottage cheese, dried fruits, cream soups, ice cream with fresh fruits, etc. are considered good in this regard.Apart from taste and smell, the presentation of the food also plays an important role in encouraging one’s desire to eat.

# You may take digestive enzyme supplements support proper digestion and improve the body’s ability to assess food nutrients.

# Include foods rich in folic acid and B vitamins, particularly vitamin B12, in your diet. You may take these in inject-able forms as well.

# Try to set a specific time for taking meals. This way, your body and brain get accustomed to a particular routine for mealtime, thereby causing hunger pangs at the times that you have allotted for meals.
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