5 Ways To Treat Arm Pain at Home

You use your arms for just about everything, such as lifting, holding, grabbing, and throwing. Pain in any part of your arms can debilitate you by preventing you from carrying out your daily activities on your own.

Arms are part of the upper extremities of the body. These are built of a network of bones, muscles, joints, nerves, blood vessels, and tendons. The arms extend from the shoulder joint to the joint located on your wrists. Pain in the arm can be engendered by an injury, infection, or other conditions.

* Give Your Arm a Rest

For mild arm pain, the best thing you can do is rest.Proper rest is a key component for repairing soft tissue damage that often occurs with minor pain. On the other hand, continued or additional strain will cause more inflammation and pain and lengthen the healing time.

* Apply Cold Compress

Arm pain can be treated with cold compresses. However, it is effective primarily during the initial stage.The cold temperature helps make the tissue in the painful area numb, therefore alleviating the pain. It also helps reduce inflammation.

* Use Hot Compress

Just like cold compresses, hot compresses can help treat arm pain. However, for the hot compress to be effective, only use it after 48 hours from when the injury occurred or the pain began.Heat increases the blood flow to the area, which in turn decreases the stiffness and pain.

* Wrap It Up with a Bandage

Wrapping the affected area with a compression bandage or elastic bandage can help reduce swelling and encourage healing.Compression puts even pressure on the painful area. Also, it gives ample support to your painful arm. Furthermore, it helps you move around more comfortably.

* Raise Your Arm

Sometimes, the best thing you can do to reduce arm pain is to keep the painful area elevated. Elevation promotes proper blood flow to the area and elimination of waste products to speed up the healing process.
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