5 Weird Foodswings Women Get During Pregnancy

It’s very common that when women get pregnant they have different mood swings and crave for different kind of foods and things. But sometimes during pregnancy, women want to eat something very unusual and weird things like coal, chalk, paint, soil, and toothpaste.

# Soil

The soil is one of the most common items that pregnant women want to eat at the time of pregnancy. Famous pop star Britney Spears accepts her craving for eating soil with food. It’s very natural that women want to eat a different kind of foods at the time of her pregnancy.

# Paint

When your wife suddenly tells you to paint baby’s room, don’t get shocked maybe she is having a craving to eat or smell the fragrance of fresh paint. At that time, try to divert her mind because the toxic chemical present in the paint is harmful to her.

# Chalk

When women get pregnant, their body go through various hormonal changes. Due to this, they crave for different kind of foods and sometimes for very weird things like chalk, soil, paint, etc. Chalk is something we all had a craving in childhood. But when women get pregnant they sometimes want to eat chalk with their daily diet.

# Coal

Coal is one of the weird items women want to eat at the time of pregnancy. When your wife has a craving for coal, it shows that her body needs more iron. You need to add more items which are high in iron in her diet.

# Toothpaste

Toothpaste is very common thing women have craving for, at the time of pregnancy. Although toothpaste is not as dangerous as other things like paint and coal, but still you need to divert your mind to stay healthy.
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