5 Yoga Asanas To Manage Low Blood Pressure

The rising number of heart ailments often ends up steering attention towards hypertension or high blood pressure. Hypotension, also known as low blood pressure, receives little attention comparatively. Eating right and including exercise in your fitness regime are non-negotiable for healthy living. You can even try some yoga poses for low blood pressure to manage the condition.

Low blood pressure is a condition in which the flow of blood to one’s body organs is insufficient, resulting in symptoms such as dizziness, lightheadedness, fainting, increased thirst, shallow breathing, tiredness, chest pain, and nausea. This condition is caused by low blood volume, heart disease, and medications. You might be surprised to learn that hypotension can lead to stroke, heart attack, kidney failure, and even shock.

# Sukhasana (Happy Pose)

Formation of the posture

- Sit in an upright position with both legs stretched out in Dandasana
- Fold the left leg and tuck it inside the right thigh
- Then fold the right leg and tuck it inside the left thigh
- Place your palms on the knees
- Sit erect with spine straight

# Vajrasana

- Begin straight with your arms by your side
- Slowly bring your knees down and kneel on your mat
- Place your pelvis on your heels with your toes pointed outward
- Keep your heels slightly apart
- Place your palms on your knees facing up in Prapthimudra
- Straighten your back and look ahead
- Hold this asana for a while

# Malasana (Waste Evacuation Pose)

Formation of the posture

- Begin by standing straight with your arms by the sides of your body
- Bend your knees, lower your pelvis and place it over your heels
- Ensure that your feet remain flat on the floor
- You may either place your palms on the floor beside your feet or join them in front of your chest in a gesture of prayer
- Spine remains erect

# Savithri asana

Formation of the posture

- Kneel down gently on your mat and keep your pelvis off your heels
- Back is straight
- Stretch your arms up at shoulder distance and palms facing each other
- Look ahead
- Your arms, spine, hips and thighs should be in one straight line.

# Vrikshasana

Formation of the posture

- Begin by standing in Samasthithi.
- Lift your right leg off the floor and balance your body weight on your left leg
- Place your right foot on your lift inner thigh.
- Place it as close to your groin as possible
- You may support your foot with your palms to bring it in place.
- After you find your balance, join your palms in PranamMudra at your heart chakra.
- Raise your Pranam towards the sky.
- Straighten your elbows and ensure that your head is in between your arms.
- Repeat the same with the alternate leg
- Hold eight to ten breaths.
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