5 Yoga Poses That Will Help You Boost Your Energy

Why am I so tired all the time? We bet you must have asked yourself this question umpteen times. Unfortunately, burnout, stress, depression, thyroid issues, anemia – the reasons can be endless, but finding a solution is most important. Still struggling to find it? Well, think no more, and say hello to yoga.

Yes, yoga is one of the best and the most effective ways to deal with fatigue. Yoga works on the aspects of the body, mind and spirit for your overall well-being. Asanas build your physical strength and flexibility, helping you move in new ways. Pranayama and meditation are ways to get you closer to yourself through breath and meditative focus.

# Padahastasana

Stand with your back straight. Slowly exhaling, bend your upper body down from the hips, and touch your nose to your knees. Bring your palms on either side of your feet. You may have to bend your knees slightly. Gradually straighten your knees and try to touch your chest to your thighs.

# Chakrasana

Lie down on your back, fold your legs at your knees, and ensure that your feet are placed firmly on the floor. Bend your arms at the elbows with your palms facing the sky. Rotate your arms at the shoulders, and place your palms on the floor on either side beside your head. Inhale, put pressure on your palms and legs, and lift your entire body up to form an arch. Relax your neck and allow your head to fall gently behind.

# Dhanurasana

Begin by lying down on your stomach, bend your knees and hold your ankles with your palms. Have a strong grip. Lift your legs and arms as high as you can. Look up and hold the posture for a while.

# Bhumi Pada Mastakasana

Get into marjariasana. Stretch your arms out in front of you and bend them at your elbows and interlock your fingers. Rest your forearms on the floor in front of your knees. Bend down and place the top of your head, or the crown of your head right in front of your palms. Lightly cup around your head to protect it and support your body. Slowly straighten your knees, lifting your hips from the floor. The crown of your head is supported by your hands, and your feet on the ground. Try to support your body on the ground, and take your arms behind your back and interlock the fingers of both hands behind your back.

# Yajnasana

Start in the downward-facing dog pose, and step your right foot towards the outside of your right hand. Bring your elbows down with your forearms flat on your mat. Spread your palms out on the floor, and keep your head in a relaxed position. Hold for 10 seconds. To release, exhale and straighten your arms to bring your wrists under your shoulders, and step back to downward dog pose. Repeat the steps on the other side.
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