6 Eating Habits You Need To Adopt for Diabetes Management

Diabetes is a chronic condition that occurs when your blood sugar or blood glucose level is very high. Blood glucose is the source of energy that you receive from the food consumed. This glucose is transported to the cells, which uses it for energy. Insulin, a hormone made in the pancreas, transports glucose to the cells. Sometimes the body doesn’t make enough insulin or doesn’t make them at all, resulting in the glucose not reaching the cells and instead, it stays in the blood. This causes a string of health problems, including diabetes. The food you eat either raises the sugar level quickly or at a slow rate. Hence, food is closely connected to the condition. You can understand the link better based on studies here.

This is a chronic condition that cannot be cured but can be managed with a change in lifestyle. You can live a healthy and normal life by following a proper diet. But eating isn’t the only way to manage it; you must manage stress and exercise regularly to keep your weight under control and stay fit. Unless there is a genetic predisposition, you can even prevent diabetes from ever occurring. This is why experts reiterate the importance of eating healthy regardless of your health.

# Consume Less Salt

This is advice that you must have come across before. Doctors often suggest limiting salt intake as it can worsen existing conditions. Salt increases risk of high blood pressure, which in turn, increases the risk of heart diseases. When you have diabetes, you are already at risk of these conditions. Many of the pre-packaged foods also contain high amounts of salt so always check the package carefully. These foods are bad for a diabetic for more than one reason, hence, it is best to avoid them or consume in limited quantities.

# Eat Complex Carbohydrates

Among the most healthy foods for people with diabetes are complex carbohydrates. The reason for this is as simple as it gets. Simple carbs such as sugar, chocolate, jaggery, carbonated drinks and maida do not contain any fibre; hence, they are absorbed by the body quickly, which results in a spike in blood sugar. Complex carbs such as wheat, wheat bread and vegetables are rich in fibre and are absorbed and digested slowly, so they do not cause any such spike.

# Lower Sugar Consumption

Yes, it makes everything taste so much better, that’s the reason why we are addicted to it! But sugar is often referred to as ‘white poison’ for its debilitating effects on our health. And what’s worse? It’s everywhere; not only do we add it to our tea, coffee or pastries, but it is also a common ingredient in almost all packaged food that we consume. But cutting down on sugar can be a difficult task. So, start slowly by swapping it with healthier choices and limiting its use. You can have fruit juices, tea or coffee without sugar or with artificial sweeteners.

# Eat More Whole Grains

All you need to do here is make a simple swap. Eat brown rice instead of white, brown bread instead of white bread and whole wheat flour instead of regular. White rice, bread and regular flour are refined and lose their nutrients. These are also responsible for causing spikes in blood sugar levels apart from causing other health issues.

# Limit or Avoid Red Meat

Processed meat and red meat can have a negative impact on blood sugar levels. Foods such as sausages and beef can also cause heart problems and even cancer. While consuming protein is essential, try to replace red or processed meat with healthier alternatives such as:


# Consume a lot of Protein

Whether its source is vegan, vegetarian or non-vegetarian, consuming high amounts of protein is advised. Vegetarian foods such as low-fat cheese, homemade paneer, non-vegetarian foods such as lean meat, fish and eggs and vegan foods like legumes, soybean, tofu and pulses are some of the best sources of protein.
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