6 Foods That are Healthy But Still Causes Bloating

A bloated stomach can feel extremely uncomfortable and in some cases may even cause abdominal pain. Bloating usually takes place when our friendly gut bacteria feast on undigested food components causing an accumulation of gas in the abdomen.

Many people experience this as a result of their unhealthy eating patterns, a lack of physical exercise, and increased stress. But did you know that some healthy, nutritional food may also cause bloating? If you’ve been eating healthy but still feel gassy, here’s a list of foods that might be the trigger causing it.

# Certain FruitsHigh In Fructose

Fruits are an excellent snack and dessert option as they are way more nutritional than a bag of chips or cake. But fruits like apples and mangoes contain a high amount of fructose and sorbitol which aren’t easily absorbed by the body. The fructose ferments in the intestine leading to the production of gases which leave you feeling bloated.

# Dairy Products

Dairy products like milk, yogurt, and cheese are excellent sources of calcium and protein. They are also rich in potassium and vitamin D. One of the major components found in most dairy products is lactose. Lactose is known to cause bloating, stomach cramps, abdominal pain, and diarrhea in people who exhibit lactose intolerance.

# Wheat

Wheat is known for its many health benefits including lowering risk of heart disease and obesity. Wheat is also a rich source of fiber and vitamin B. As healthy as it is, wheat contains a protein called gluten which causes digestive problems for people with Celiac disease. If you don’t have Celiac disease and still feel bloated after consuming wheat, it may be due to the presence of FODMAPs. FODMAPs are short chained carbohydrates that aren’t easily absorbed by the body during digestion thereby causing the accumulation of gas.

# Cruciferous Vegetables

Eating raw vegetables like Brussels sprouts, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, and kale can cause severe bloating. This is due to the high fiber content and the presence of starches that aren’t that easily digestible. A drastic increase in an individual’s fiber consumption can leave them feeling gassy and constipated. Ensure that increase in fiber intake is done gradually while drinking plenty of water at the same time. Boiling these vegetables or eating them cooked makes it a little easier on your stomach.

# Onion And Garlic

Both onion and garlic are a great source of vitamin C and are usually cooked along with other foods to add to the overall flavor. They may be healthy but also contain fructans that cause bloating in many individuals. People have reported that eating them cooked may reduce the bloating.

# Beans

Beans are highly nutritious and contain large amounts of protein and fiber. They also contain antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. The high fiber content and presence of FODMAPs may leave you feeling gassy after ingestion. Soaking the beans before consumption may reduce the bloating. Some varieties of beans like black beans and pinto beans have been found to be more easily digestible than the others.
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