6 Foods That Should Be in Your Diet To Provide Vitamin D

Also known as the Sunshine Vitamin, Vitamin D is one thing we miss out on during the cold, dark days of winter. Vitamin D is essential for good health, and cholesterol plays a role in producing vitamin D from sunlight. Vitamin D is one nutrient in particular that supports normal bone density and strength.

People living in North America get less sunlight so it is difficult to get their vitamin D sources from sunlight 365 days a year because the sun is not strong enough from October to May. So if you live in places where there is less sunshine then you should get the sunshine vitamin from foods high in vitamin D. Vitamin D, as well calcium, potassium, and fiber are four nutrients you will fall short in your diet.

# Egg (yolks)

Egg yolks are another source of vitamin D. While most of the protein in eggs can be found in the white part, fats, minerals, and vitamins are typically found in the yolk itself. So, when consuming an egg, always remember to eat the most nutritious part of the egg i.e egg yolk.

# Oily fish

It’s suggested that a healthy diet should include at least two portions of fish per week – one of these being oily fish. Oily fish or fatty fish is a great source of vitamin D, as well as omega-3 fatty acids which can help in preventing heart disease.

# Cheese

Cheese is one of the top vitamin d rich foods in India. Having more cheese is the easiest and the tastiest solution to solve your vitamin d deficiency. Out of all the cheeses, Ricotta cheese is the highest source of Vitamin D.

# Mushrooms

Mushrooms contain naturally-occurring vitamin D. Maitake mushrooms are by far the best source, providing close to 70% of daily requirements per ½ cup serving. Chanterelle and morel mushrooms are also acceptable sources.

# Milk

There are many reasons to drink all types of dairy milk. Whether it’s low-fat, organic, or flavored, all types of dairy milk are an excellent source of vitamin D and provide other essential nutrients including B vitamins for energy, high-quality protein for lean muscle, vitamin A for a healthy immune system, and four bone-building nutrients, including calcium and phosphorus.

# Butter

Butter is rich in vitamin d, though in small quantities. Butter also aids the absorption of vitamin D and others obtained from other sources along with antioxidants by the body. But, always remember that quantity is the key. One looks to not consume butter in excess. If consumed in moderation, butter can be a healthy addition to your vitamin intake diet.
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