6 Major Signs Stress is Making You Sick

Can stress make you sick? The quick answer is yes, and these 6 signs will warn you to slow down before your health deteriorates. Stress is basically your body’s reaction to any change where you have to react or adjust. It’s a normal part of life, and small, short bouts can actually be a good thing. But when stress builds or stretches seemingly without end, it becomes a problem.

Emotionally, you might start to feel on edge, have trouble focusing or making decisions, have trouble sleeping, and have intense mood swings

# You’re Experiencing Headaches or Migraines

How can stress make you sick? When you’re stressed, your muscles stiffen, which can trigger tension or migraine headaches. People who are too stressed often feel their heads pounding in pain. Stress can also make a migraine worse.

What you can do: While headaches are inevitable during stressful times, you can prevent it from worsening by taking ibuprofen. You can also dab peppermint or lavender oil on your temples when your head starts to hurt. Doing relaxing activities such as meditation or yoga also helps to ease tension, reducing the intensity of a headache. You can also try breathing techniques and exercises for stress.

# You Have an Upset Stomach

Stress not only messes up with your head but your gut function, too. Stress and anxiety can trigger the body to produce more stomach acid, leading to heartburn. It can also cause bloating and gas as stress slows down the emptying of food from your tummy. You may also experience stomach cramps and diarrhea as stress increases the contraction in your colon.

What you can do: Over-the-counter antacids may help you feel better. Or, you can also try taking other stomach soothers such as ginger or chamomile tea.

# You Often Get Colds

Stress also affects your immune system, making it harder for your body to fight off viruses. As a result, you become more prone to cold or cold sores.

What you can do: Cold remedies include proper hydration and rest. You can also use saline nasal drops or sprays or sip warm liquids such as soups or teas.

# You’re Wide Awake All Night

You may also find your mind wandering and buzzing all through the night when you’re stressed, making it difficult for you to get that shut-eye. Experts reveal that stress is the leading cause of sleep-deprivation. Sleep problems, unfortunately, can lead to irritability, anxiety, and impaired focus. It can, likewise, cause a vicious cycle of sleep deprivation.

What you can do: Nothing gets solved by worry. Instead of staying up late overthinking things, set your worries aside and tackle them the following day.To sleep fast, you can also do some hacks, including the 4-7-8 breathing method, make your room more conducive to sleep, and adjust your eating and lifestyle habits.

# Your Appetite Changes

Appetite changes are also common during stressful times. Usually, only two things happen — it’s either you lose your appetite or find yourself stress-eating. It comes as no surprise why stressed people either lose or gain weight dramatically. Stress influences your appetite as well, resulting in weight loss or weight gain.

What you can do: If you have lost or can’t control your appetite when you’re stressed, begin with identifying your stressor. Once you do, keep away from it.You can also consider eating “mechanically” or on a schedule and make sure you’re getting enough rest. Having enough rest is important in combating the loss or increased appetite caused by stress.

# You’re Experiencing Hair Loss

If you’re asking, “Can stress make you physically sick?” the answer is still yes. While it’s normal to lose a few strands of hair, stress can result in excessive hair loss as it attacks your hair follicles.

What you can do: Remain patient. Your hair starts growing back once you recover from stress.
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