6 Medicines Straight from your Kitchen To Help You Boost Immunity

We all have used the spice cabinet to flavour up our daily cooking. But, did you know that most of the spices used in Indian cuisine are packed with medicinal properties? Now more than ever, boosting the immune system has become a priority for all. Well, fortunately, you need not go any further than your kitchen to find the ingredients for a stronger immune system. Here is a list of 6 medicines straight from your kitchen which can help you boost your immunity...


When it comes to strengthening your immune system, ginger works like a miracle. Ginger comes packed with natural antibiotics and has anti- inflammation properties. It also contains zingibain which is known to dissolve parasites and their eggs. The anti-microbial properties of ginger can even combat salmonella and is extremely effective in killing cold viruses. Best way to consume ginger is a delicious ginger tea or simply in the form of fresh ginger juice; wither way, it keeps you strong against infections.


Who doesn’t know the goodness of Turmeric Milk? Turmeric is also known as the golden spice. It contains lipopolysaccharide and is packed with anti-microbial and antioxidant properties which help prevent any bacterial, viral or fungal infections. Mixing a tablespoon of turmeric in a glass of unsweetened warm milk is all you need to give your immune system a boost.


Tulsi or Holy Basil provide immense relief from respiratory disorders, fever, asthma and lung disorders. It is packed with exceptional antibiotic, germicidal, fungicidal and disinfectant properties which help protect against viral infections. It protects against nearly all infections from viruses, bacteria, fungi, and protozoa and acts as a natural immune system booster. You can consume tulsi by either simply chewing the raw leaves every day or by drinking a concoction made by boiling the leaves in water.


Cinnamon, besides adding a delectable sweet flavour to drinks and baked goods, is also a powerhouse of anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties. This aromatic spice reduces the chances of respiratory infections. It is a rich source of polyphenols and proanthocyanidins which are antioxidants and boost the immune system. Cinnamon tea or cinnamon infused water can be consumed to reap the medicinal benefits of this spice.

Black Pepper

Little is it known that pepper is not just a seasoning spice! This zingy kitchen staple contains very potent antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. The good bacteria present in one’s gut are linked to the immune function; black pepper increases the good bacteria. Consumption of black pepper is also recommended during fever as it has anti-microbial properties which reduce fever and enhance the immune system. Daily consumption of black pepper has proven to be helpful in immunity boost as well as prevention of chest congestion and respiratory infections.


The most common use of clove known to all is chewing cloves to soothe coughing fits; however, it is good to know that cloves also contain high amount of antioxidants which aid the immune system. Eugenol found in cloves eases infections and is also known to fight against infection causing bacteria. It also contains kaempferol and rhamnetin, the flavonoids that are anti-bacterial and anti-viral. The easiest way of using clove is to include it in the daily cooking. Apart from gravies, you can also use it in your tea or in form of flavoured hot water.
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