6 Remedies For Boosting Metabolism Naturally

Metabolism is nothing, but a chemical reaction in your body. These chemical reactions keep your body functioning and alive. Metabolism means the number of calories and fat your body is able to burn. The higher your metabolism is, the higher the calories get burned and you lose weight. A good metabolism is needed for a proper weight loss.

The minimum amount of energy our body requires to carry out the chemical processes is called the basal metabolic rate. Metabolism even works when we are sleeping, or resting. Our body needs energy for its organs to work properly.

As we grow up, the metabolism rate starts to slow down due to the loss of muscle mass. Even when we are sick, the metabolism rate slows down. Now, how does the metabolism work? And how many calories does metabolism burn?

Metabolism converts the food and drinks you consume into energy. During this process, all the calories in the food and drink get combined with oxygen and provide energy for the body functioning.

# Eat Enough

The first thing, to increase metabolism is to eat properly. If you do not eat enough and skip your meals, it will affect the body working. So, never skip meals and eat healthily.

# Start Workout

Without proper exercise, it is impossible to have a healthy body. To increase the metabolism you need to perform High-intensity interval training. This helps to burn more fat, by increasing your metabolic rate.

# Have Enough Protein

Proteins are the building blocks of our body. When we consume food, our metabolism increases and protein helps in it. Protein increases your metabolic rate by 15-30% compared to carbs which give only 5-10%.

# Get a Proper Sleep

Having a proper rest, is necessary for the well being of the body. When you get sleep deprived, the body releases two hormones, one makes you feel hungry and the other helps a person feel full. And when you get proper sleep, the hormones get balanced.

# Switch to High Fibers

Fibrous food are good for the stomach. They help with proper digestion. Like beans contains both soluble and insoluble fiber. While digesting the fiber and protein in the beans, it also helps to burn some extra calories.

# Get Plenty of Vitamin D and B

Now, not only proteins but vitamins also help to increase metabolism. Your next question might be, which vitamins increase metabolism? Well, both vitamin D and vitamin B are helpful to step up the metabolism rate.
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