6 Super Amazing Health Benefits of Eating Garlic

Garlic is an excellent immunity booster. Every day we opt for different vegetables in our meal but the only one vegetable which can be added to every item we cook is garlic. Though garlic adds good flavor to the dish, it is responsible for bad breath and odor. It has more nutrients when eaten raw. It can regulate blood sugar levels and lower cholesterol when consumed regularly and it has various other benefits.

# Antibacterial Properties

Garlic extract can effectively kill bacteria or virus within or outside our bodies. It can be used to cure flu, viral fever. This antimicrobial or antibacterial property is found in raw garlic.

# Maintains Blood Sugar level

Allicin is a component in garlic that helps in improving the blood sugar level. Garlic oil has anti-inflammatory properties that release muscle pain for those who suffer from diabetics. Garlic with honey also helps to reduce your weight.

# Packed with Nutrients

The immunity booster and antioxidant properties of garlic can cure all types of flu, smallpox, coronary diseases, and infections. It is a rich source of Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6, and minerals like iron, calcium, zinc, folate, magnesium, phosphorus. The sulfur component in garlic is the reason for the pungent smell.

# Releases Stress

Its antioxidant agent fights against stress and fatigue. By eating garlic our adrenal gland produces fewer stress hormones and also works on reducing the level of fatigue.

# Good for Heart

Triglycerides a type of fat found in the blood can eventually affect your heart health and can lead to heart attacks. The presence of Allicin in garlic reduces the triglyceride level in the blood. Eat one clove a day on an empty to improve our coronary health.

# Garlic and Zinc Magic

The bulb vegetable with its high sulfur content fights against cold and flu. The sulfur in garlic helps your body absorb the element zinc, which acts as an immunity booster.
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