6 Tried Home Remedies To Treat Acidity

Heartburn, contrary to popular belief, has nothing to do with your heart. The burning sensation in your chest is caused by stomach acid backing up into your oesophagus, a 10-inch tube connecting your mouth to your stomach.

Heartburn can last for a few minutes or several hours. It’s unpleasant in either case, which is why you want to get rid of it as soon as possible. Some of the amazing home remedies for acidity are mentioned below.

# Fennel seeds (saunf) soothe the stomach

Anethole, a fennel seed compound, soothes the stomach and prevents spasms and flatulence. It also contains a lot of vitamins, minerals, and dietary fibre, which helps with digestion. It cools the stomach lining and aids in constipation relief due to its anti-ulcer properties. One of the most effective acid reflux home remedies is fennel seeds. A teaspoon of fennel powder in a glass of warm water relieves acidity and its symptoms, such as heartburn and bloating, while improving digestion.

# Black cumin (kalonji) relieve acidity

Chew cumin seeds directly to relieve acidity, or boil 1 teaspoon in a glass of water and drink it. The seeds of black cumin have gastroprotective properties. They are effective in reducing and preventing acidity, as well as the symptoms associated with it, such as heartburn, pain, nausea, bloating, constipation, and so on.

# Almonds help to neutralise acidity

Raw almonds are another effective home remedy for acid reflux. Raw almonds are simply natural almonds that have not been soaked or otherwise processed. Almonds were once thought to be a natural cure for ulcers and heartburn in the Middle East. Almonds’ natural oils soothe and neutralise stomach acid. The high fibre content of the nut also aids digestion. Aside from raw almonds, you can also drink almond milk to keep your stomach healthy.

# Jaggery benefits in heartburn

Jaggery may be just what you need to settle your stomach because it contains both potassium and magnesium. Potassium is required for the pH balance of the stomach lining and the production of mucus. This avoids acid overload and relieves your symptoms. Magnesium is required to keep your digestive system healthy and functioning properly, lowering your risk of acid reflux and other digestive problems.

# Mint leaves help in acid reflux

Home remedies for heartburn are many one of them is mint. Mint leaves have a cooling effect on the whole body and aid digestion. Mint leaves are a simple yet elegant solution for acid reflux relief, both short and long-term.

# Ginger for acidity

Another pantry staple with a long list of health benefits. Gingerols are the primary components of ginger that give it its medicinal properties, whether for a common cold or a variety of digestive and intestinal disorders. Ginger kills the acid-producing pylori bacteria while also being anti-inflammatory, anti-nausea, and anti-spasmodic. You can avoid acid reflux and its symptoms by chewing raw ginger or drinking ginger tea.
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