6 Types of Teas That Help You Sleep Better

Take a stroll through any grocery and you’ll find countless bedtime teas. Their claims often seem hard to beat: relaxation, calmness, and a soothing night of rest. It all sounds like a dream a come true, but do these teas actually work?

For most of us, they do. Herbs can be pretty powerful! Of course, it also depends on the exact combination of ingredients and your personal tolerance. Caffeine intake, sleeping disorders, and environmental factors also play a part.Otherwise, bedtime teas might have a beneficial effect, and the actual act of drinking is also comforting. Just grab a book and a blanket and you’re good to go. Give these teas a try

# Chamomile

Most people are familiar with chamomile. You can find it in groceries, drugstores, and cafes. It’s been used as a sleep aid for thousands of years, but research has found mixed results. Regardless, chamomile has been shown to reduce anxiety and tension. It might be just what you need after a long and stressful day.

# Lavender

In aromatherapy, lavender essential oil is well-known for inducing relaxation. A 2005 study found that it shortens the time it takes to fall asleep. As a tea, lavender may also help you snooze, so it’s worth a sip. This fragrant herb offers anti-anxiety, anti-depressive, and analgesic effects. And if you suffer from migraines? Lavender will help ease those, too.

# Valerian

Is chamomile too mild? Reach for valerian. According to small studies, it decreases sleep onset time and promotes deep rest. Possible side effects include diarrhea, nausea, and headache. If any of these crop up, stop using valerian immediately.

# Kava Kava

Kava kava is another ancient remedy. For years, its roots have been used for its sedative and anti-anxiety effects. Some even call it “euphoric.” Most studies give kava kava a thumbs up for anxiety, making it a top choice for stress relief. And like valerian, it’ll shorten how long it takes you to fall asleep.

# Passionflower

Have you been tossing and turning? Passionflower tea can bring on sleep, even at low doses. Anxiety and tension will also take a backseat. Also, compared to other herbs, passionflower has a more tropical and fruity flavor.
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