6 Ways To Reduce Weight With Yoga

We have all seen the trend which is the weight loss industry is going through these days. Everyone seems in a hurry to loose weight. Everyone has consumed so much of junk and we all have a number of unhealthy habits but all of this has jointly contributed to weight gain. We have gained a number of unwanted fat deposits in our body which is not only affecting our appearance but also making our morale down too.And since we all are in a rat race these days. Everyone wants to do thing fast. Nobody neither has the patience nor the will to stop and give a bit time to things.

# Surya Namaskars

It is a set of 12 postures which involves sun saturation. All the postures need to be done one after the other. Each posture targets to a specific body part. If you want to reduce weight overall then it is the best exercise. This is a very popular weight loss exercise practised widely by our bollywood celebrities. It is advisable to begin with at least 10 sets of surya namaskars every day.

# Skipping Rope

This is the easiest and one of the fastest way to reduce weight. You just need to jump ropes in the confine of your homes. There are various variations of skipping ropes. You can do it with one or all two legs together.

# Climbing Stairs

All of us have stairs in our house. And the amount of pressure you give to your body while climbing stairs is too good. Try to climb at least 100 stairs every day. You will see your legs and thighs getting toned in no time.

# Spot Jumping

This is another very easy exercise. Just keep jumping at one point. This is not very intensive but very good for your body. It tones your body and helps in removing the calories. Also, it does not require much of the space.

# Stretching Exercises

This is very effective to reduce fats from the sides. There are various types of stretching exercises. You can do anyone as per your choice. Also, looking into the wide variety of options available for stretching exercises you can also go for spot reduction. You can target any specific body part and do stretching for that only in particular.

# Burpees

It is another warming up exercise. It is a set of 5 different positions which needs to be done in continuation. It is the combination of squats and push ups. If you can manage to do atlaest 10 sets of burpee each day then you can easily loose 100 calories minimum every day.
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