8 Misconceptions About Weight Loss You Should Not Trust

Weight loss for a person can be a real struggle and this might take long as long as you are trapped in various common misconceptions. In this world, we have thousands and thousands of misconceptions about the things and even human are not spared from this word. Well, talking about weight loss theory, there are an innumerable amount of misconceptions that can actually hinder your process. Some people say, cut down white rice if you want to grow slim whereas you observe people eating only rice are slimmer than you. Well, no matter what here we brought you 8 Common Misconceptions About Weight Loss theories.

# Bread lead to Healthy Weight

There is a common myth that bread can lead to a healthy weight because bread contains a high amount of carbohydrate. These types of foods are almost always highly refined although they may make health claims that are often false. The bread actually doesn’t have a positive influence on our body in fact they may add a high amount of starch and carbs in the body that may lead to obesity.

# Skipping Meals

If someone has recommended you that skipping meals is the only way to loose weight easily this is probably one of the worst things you have heard about. When you skip a meal, your body actually goes into the starvation mode and then this may lead to overeating after some time. You should always prefer to take your meals in proper time.

# Don’t weigh yourself

Many people recommend that you should not weigh yourself. But let me tell you that whenever you are trying to lose weight it is very important for a person to weigh herself so that she knows her current status on a diet. Even though you are going to lose a pound in a day, it matters and you should have a record of it.

# You Should Never Eat after 8 pm

I have heard many friends scolding me because I don’t eat food before 10 pm but there is a common myth that you should be eating well before 8 pm. You should eat whenever you want because your body should certainly suit and adapt your routine. Because you should not eat and go to bed quickly, it is said that you should not eat after 8 pm so that your body gets enough time for digestion.

# Eating fats can make you fat

There is common mistaken fact that eating fats can actually make you fat. But the fact is eating a good amount of fat cannot make you fat. In fact it provides the right amount of carbohydrates and energy required by the body. Consuming good fats generally give you satisfaction after eating and helps to improve your appetite.

# Gym is Important

Attending a gym if you want you to lose weight is again a problem for all the people because this is misunderstood every time. If you want to lose weight you can opt to various other exercises that walking or simple jogging and it is always not important that you need to attend a gym. Well, this depends on person to person to choose their way on how to lose weight.

# The More you Exercise, the More you Lose Weight

This is purely wrong to believe that the more you exercise, the more you lose weight. Excessive and very strenuous exercise can increase the levels of cortisol and other stress hormones which further affects your body. So it is always better to opt for healthy exercise that can help you to lose weight.

# Losing Weight Slowly is Better

It is said that if you are losing weight slowly it is always better and long term because it is believed that a person who has lost weight suddenly is not long term and he might end up gaining weight once again. On the whole, rapid or slowly weight loss should be done in a healthy way.
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