9 Amazing Benefits of Doing Plow Pose and How to Do It

Plow pose in Sanskrit is commonly known as Halasana. Halasana is called this because in its final pose it resembles a plow. Halasana can be basically classified as hah-LAHS-anna. Hala in sanskrit means is plow or plough. Plow pose is performed both as a forward bending and a semi-inverted pose. Practicing plow pose and Sarvangasana regulary make you prepare for the more advanced yoga poses. Here, are simple and easy steps of the yoga pose has been mentioned. Halasana’s researched based benefits have also been given here. However, certain contraindications should also be kept in mind while performing this pose. Before performing these yoga asan do consult your doctor in case of long term problems.

How To Do

# Lie flat on the floor, and facing upward.

# The legs should be straight and kept together.

# Slowly raise the legs to the vertical position, use the abdominal muscles as much as possible for you and the arms as little as possible.

# Raise the legs over your head, the buttocks and hips should also be simultaneously raised.

# Slowly lower your feet toward the ground behind the head and if possible touch the toes to the ground behind the head.

# Those who are unable to touch their feet on the ground can allow feet their feet to suspend above the floor.

# For this entire process, the legs should be straight.

# Performe breathing slowly and deeply.

# This is the final pose and stay here in this pose as per your convenience.

# While coming back to the original position, the arms should be placed behind the back.


# Plow pose makes your entire spine supple.

# The practicing of this pose helps to stretch the muscles and loosens the vertebrae.

# Halasana pose tones your nerves both inside and outside the spinal column. This leads to better efficiency of all the organs in the body.

# Since the regular practice of plow pose exerts pressure on the neck region thus enhances the efficiency of the thyroid and parathyroid glands.

# The abdominal organs are massaged and muscles are strengthened while performing this pose. This is helpful to alleviate constipation, dyspepsia, diabetes, and other abdominal ailments.

# This pose helps to decongest and revitalize the liver, spleen, kidneys, pancreas, and adrenal glands.

# Plow pose helps to get rid backache, neck ache, and headache.

# The regular practice of plow pose it induces the states of pratyahara (sense withdrawal), which is good for meditation.

# The practice of plow pose is good for high blood pressure as they will not feel a rush of blood in the head region.
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