9 Health Benefits of Eating Dandelion Root

If you have a dandelion-studded lawn, consider yourself lucky. This yellow-flowering perennial herb with long, deeply serrated leaves is the bane of a lawn caretaker’s existence, but it is actually good for your health.

In fact, dandelions have been used for centuries as an herbal treatment for many ailments, including kidney and liver problems, stomach issues and diabetes.

Dandelion roots, leaves and flowers are edible and highly nutritious. This herb is a rich source of vitamins A, C, D and B complex. It is even rich in minerals, such as zinc, iron, calcium, magnesium and potassium.

This herb is versatile and can be easily incorporated into your daily diet. The mild, bitter flavor of dandelion leaves goes well with salads, soups or stir-fry dishes. You can also brew roasted dandelion roots to enjoy a healthy substitute for tea or coffee.

Aids Weight Loss

Dandelion root is highly beneficial for people who wish to shed some pounds.

The phytochemicals in dandelion offer diuretic and laxative benefits that help increase the volume and frequency of urination. This in turn helps get rid of water weight.

- Drink dandelion tea, 2 or 3 times a day.
- You can also add fresh dandelion greens to salads or soups.

Promotes Liver Health

The herb dandelion works as a powerful liver tonic and hence is considered very effective for liver health. It helps metabolize fat accumulated in the liver and promotes proper liver function.It also increases the flow of bile and helps detoxify the liver.

Possesses Anticancer Properties

In recent times, dandelion root has been studied for its cancer-fighting potential. Its antioxidant property helps the body avoid cell damage from free radicals. In fact, it is effective in killing different cancers as a result of its free radical-fighting abilities.

A 2008 study published in the International Journal of Oncology reports that dandelion root extracts or individual components present in the extracts may be of value as novel anticancer agents.

A study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology in 2011 suggests that aqueous dandelion root extract contains components that act to induce apoptosis selectively in cultured leukemia cells. This study emphasizes the importance of this traditional medicine for leukemia treatment.

Regulates High Blood Pressure

Being diuretic in nature, dandelion increases urination, both in quantity and frequency. Excess urination aids in releasing excess sodium without the loss of potassium (as occurs with some over-the-counter diuretics). This in turn helps lower high blood pressure.

The herb dandelion is also rich in fiber and potassium, which help in regulating blood pressure. The fiber in dandelion is also helpful in reducing cholesterol, which in turn assists in lowering blood pressure, since cholesterol is one of the factors that increases blood pressure.

Prevents Urinary Disorders

Being highly diuretic in nature, dandelion root also helps eliminate deposits of toxic substances in the kidneys and the urinary tract.

According to a 2009 study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, dandelion works as a diuretic and increases urine production. Proper urinary output helps cleanse the kidneys.

Helps Control Diabetes

The herb dandelion can also help diabetic patients. It stimulates the production of insulin from the pancreas, which in turn keeps the blood sugar level under control.

Plus, dandelion’s diuretic properties help increase urination, which aids in removing excess sugar from the body.

A 2001 study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology reports that treatment with an extract containing dandelion aids in lowering blood sugar in diabetic mice. However, more scientific evidence is needed to support this claim.

Soothes the Digestive System

Dandelion roots, leaves and flowers are edible and can be used to improve digestive health.

This herb also acts as a mild laxative to promote digestion, stimulate appetite, and balance the natural and beneficial bacteria in the intestines. It can increase the release of stomach acid and bile to aid digestion, especially of fats.

It also increases pressure within the stomach and relaxes the muscular sphincter between the stomach and the small intestine. This aids in proper digestion of food.

Fights Swelling and Inflammation

The diuretic property of dandelion aids in metabolizing extra fluids, making it a great remedy for common swelling and inflammation in the body. In fact, it is a great herb for treating water retention in the lower extremities, such as the legs.

It also has potassium, which helps balance out sodium in the body. This in turn helps reduce swelling and inflammation due to edema or water retention.

Improves Skin Health

The rich skin-supporting nutrients in dandelion help in maintaining skin health and preventing skin problems.

The milky white substance that comes out after you break a dandelion stem is highly beneficial for skin health. The sap of a dandelion stem is highly alkaline in nature. Plus, it contains germicidal, insecticidal and fungicidal properties.This sap can be applied directly on the skin to treat itching, ringworm, eczema and other skin conditions.
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