Acupressure Points To Treat Cold and Fever

Whenever I am down with cold and flu, I look for something which gives me quick solace. Over the counter drugs make things worse, not to speak of antibiotics, that affects my gut health providing little to no respite, especially when I am sneezing and sniffling away to glory.

Acupressure provides a holistic solution to a number of health problems and thankfully finds a solution to cold and flu symptoms as well, the acupressure points for cold, fever and flu are great ways to protect you from cold-causing viruses.

We are more susceptible to the flu when our immune system is unable to shield us from the flu. What affects our immune system? A number of things actually, when we don’t get ourselves vaccinated, we are under a tremendous amount of stress and anxiety and our body is already in a weakened state after a previous illness. The changing weather conditions is another factor that affects our health one way or the other.

* Drilling Bamboo

When it comes to one of the most potent acupressure points you cannot ignore the “Drilling Bamboo” pressure point. Find the point where the eyebrows join the bridge of your nose. Press the point located in the eye socket on both sides. This will help give relief from cold and the various other symptoms. Also, this will help get rid of eye-strain and other related pains.

* Lower Intestine 4

Find the point between your thumb and index finger, in other words, the dorsum of the hand. It is a great way to give a boost to your immunity. The lower intestine 4 point helps eliminate wind and mitigates the pain.

* Lower Intestine 11

Locate the “Lower Intestine 11” just near the elbow, on the edge of the joint, it has miraculous results on flu and cold symptoms. This gives quicker results when you start pressing the point as soon as you start feeling ill. Use your thumb to apply pressure on this particular point. Do this with consistency to get good results. Also, it is not necessary to use it only as a palliative method to get relief from cold or flu, instead use this point as a preventive method.

* Facial Beauty

What is the hardest part of dealing when you are suffering from a cold? The nose congestion, of course, this is where the “Facial Beauty” acupressure point comes to your aid. It decongests it and helps you breathe easy. Find it located at the bottom part of the cheekbones, in a parallel line to your pupils. Press the two points on the cheeks and find a suitable panacea for a congestion and other headache-related problems.

* Lower Intestine 20

Another great point to reduce nasal congestion, It unblocks sinuses and passages and improves the functional capacity of your lung.
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