7 Health Benefits of Apple Cinnamon Tea

Indulge in the delightful flavors of apple cinnamon tea, a seasonal beverage crafted from apple peels and fragrant cinnamon. Packed with essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and polyphenols, this wholesome blend offers a plethora of health benefits. From boosting immunity to aiding in overall well-being, apple cinnamon tea stands as a wholesome and nourishing choice. Savor its sweet flavor and woodsy aroma, making every sip a comforting and healthy experience.

# Make Our Immune System Stronger

Apple cinnamon tea strengthens our immune system, the defense mechanism of the body that keeps us free from diseases and infections.

Antioxidants and other relevant compounds such as phytonutrients and polyphenols, etc in apple cinnamon tea protect our white blood cells or immune cells from free radical damage.This strengthens immunity and reduces the risk of cough, cold, fever, and flu, etc.

Antioxidants further strengthen immunity by enhancing the production of white blood cells.Because of its antimicrobial properties, apple cinnamon tea protects against bacterial, viral, and fungal infections.

# Protection Against Cancer(s)

Apple cinnamon tea contains many antioxidants and relevant compounds such as flavonoids, etc.These compounds protect our cells and tissues from free radical damage and reduce the risk of various cancers such as colon cancer, abdominal cancer, lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, and intestinal cancer, etc.

Free radicals are unstabilized ions that stabilize by stealing electrons from the nearby molecules and causing oxidative damage to them.

# Promotes Weight Loss

Apple cinnamon tea promotes weight loss as it has a low calorific value of 2 calories per unsweetened cup.It provides stomach satiety and controls overeating, a major cause of obesity.

By helping with weight loss, apple cinnamon tea reduces the risk of obesity which can otherwise increase the risk of health problems such as type-2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol level, coronary artery diseases, sexual dysfunction, and kidney disorders.

# Good For Our Brain

Apple cinnamon tea is good for the brain and improves our neurological health. Antioxidants and other relevant compounds such as flavonoids, etc in apple cinnamon tea protect our brain cells or neurons from free radical damage and reduce the risk of neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, amnesia, and dementia, etc.

# Helps With The Detoxification

The detoxifying properties of apple cinnamon tea remove toxins, pollutants, and other impurities from our system.

By helping with detoxification, apple cinnamon tea reduces the detoxification burden from our vital organs like the liver and kidneys, allowing them to focus on other functions they need to perform.

Apple cinnamon tea prevents the accumulation of toxins and other impurities within the skin pores and reduces the risk of skin problems like acne and pimples.

# Enhances Blood Circulation

Apple cinnamon tea is a natural anticoagulant that improves blood circulation.

It prevents the build-up of blood clots in the arteries and reduces the risk of coronary artery diseases and as well as cardiovascular problems like heart attack, heart stroke, etc.

Antioxidants in apple cinnamon tea protect our circulatory system from free radical damage.

However, if you take blood-thinning medication, consult your doctor before making apple cinnamon tea a part of your routine to avoid the risk of interference.

# Better Alternative To Energy Drinks

Apple cinnamon tea is a good alternative to energy drinks that mostly contain caffeine and give a false sense of energy and alertness.

Caffeine in energy drinks desensitizes our adenosine receptors which means over time we need to drink more caffeinated beverages to stay alert and active.

Unsweetened apple cinnamon tea is low in calories ( 2 calories) and free of caffeine.

Even caffeinated apple cinnamon tea is better as it has less caffeine compared to energy drinks available in the market.
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