Best Foods To Increase Breast Milk Supply

Ensuring an ample supply of breast milk for your baby is a common concern among new mothers. The good news is that there are natural and effective ways to increase breast milk production without resorting to medication. By incorporating specific foods and following essential guidelines, you can boost your milk supply and provide your child with the nourishment they need. Here's how you can naturally increase your breast milk supply and put your worries to rest.

Understanding the Causes of Low Breast Milk Supply

If you find yourself questioning why your breast milk supply might not be meeting your baby's needs, there are several potential reasons to consider. Here's a breakdown of possible causes:

# Inadequate Hydration:

Proper hydration is fundamental for milk production. Not drinking enough water can hinder your body's ability to produce an ample milk supply.

# Delayed Breastfeeding Initiation:

If breastfeeding doesn’t commence promptly after delivery, it might affect your milk production. Starting breastfeeding as soon as possible after childbirth is vital for stimulating milk production.

# Infrequent Breastfeeding:

Milk production relies heavily on demand and supply. If you're not breastfeeding your baby often enough, your body might not receive the signals it needs to produce an adequate amount of milk.

# Medications:

Some medications can interfere with milk production. It’s essential to consult your healthcare provider about the effects of any medications you're taking on breastfeeding.

# Previous Breast Surgery:

Breast surgeries, especially those involving the milk ducts or nipples, can impact milk production. Surgical procedures might disrupt the natural lactation process.

# Medical Conditions:

Certain medical factors can contribute to low milk supply. Premature birth, high blood pressure induced by pregnancy, maternal obesity, and diabetes are some conditions that might affect milk production.

# Stress and Anxiety:

Mental and emotional well-being plays a significant role. Stress, anxiety, and exhaustion can interfere with the hormonal balance necessary for milk production.

# Poor Latch or Sucking Issues:

A proper latch is crucial for efficient breastfeeding. If your baby struggles with latching or sucking, it can reduce the milk transfer, impacting your supply.

# Hormonal Imbalances:

Hormonal imbalances, often related to thyroid disorders or polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), can affect milk production.

# Supplementing with Formula:

Introducing formula supplements can reduce your baby's demand for breast milk, signaling your body to produce less.

Breastfeeding: A Vital Practice Supported by Science

Breastfeeding is not just a natural act; it’s a powerhouse of benefits for both the baby and the mother. Understanding these facts sheds light on its paramount importance:

# Boosts Immunity:

Human milk acts as a potent immune booster for infants, providing them with essential antibodies and nutrients crucial for their development.

# Disease Prevention:

Breastfeeding significantly reduces the risk of various diseases in children, offering long-term protection against infections and chronic illnesses.

# Maternal Health Benefits:

For mothers, breastfeeding is a shield against breast cancer, heart disease, and osteoporosis. It aids in postpartum recovery and helps mothers return to their pre-pregnancy weight.

# Tailored Nutrition:

Breast milk is custom-made for the baby, adapting its composition to meet the evolving nutritional needs, ensuring optimal growth and development.

# Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Prevention:

Breastfeeding lowers the risk of SIDS, providing a safer sleep environment for babies.

# Dental Health:

Breastfeeding reduces the likelihood of developing cavities and the need for braces later in life, promoting good oral health.

# Calming Effects:

Breast milk contains substances that promote sleep in babies and induce calmness in mothers, nurturing emotional bonds.

# Right vs. Left Breast Milk Production:

Interestingly, about 75% of new moms produce more milk in their right breast compared to their left, highlighting the uniqueness of each mother's breastfeeding experience.

# Galactagogues and Milk Production:

Many breastfeeding mothers use galactagogues, substances that boost milk supply. Studies show that certain foods and herbal supplements effectively enhance milk production naturally, empowering mothers with more options to ensure their baby receives ample nutrition.

In the United States, breastfeeding mothers frequently turn to galactagogues to boost their milk production. A survey involving 1294 adult women who were breastfeeding a child revealed compelling insights into this practice. More than half of the participants (57.5%) acknowledged using galactagogues. Among them, 55.4% opted for foods or beverages, while 27.7% relied on herbal supplements. The usage of pharmaceuticals was notably lower, with only 1.4% of participants resorting to this option. Interestingly, participants reported diverse outcomes concerning the effects of specific galactagogues on their milk production, highlighting the varied and individual responses breastfeeding mothers have to these interventions.

How To Increase Breast Milk Supply Naturally

Boost Your Breast Milk Supply Naturally with Fenugreek Tea


1 teaspoon of fenugreek seeds
1 cup of water
Honey (optional, for taste)


- Start by boiling a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in a cup of water. Let it simmer gently in a saucepan for about 5 minutes.

- After simmering, strain the tea to remove the seeds. When the tea is warm enough to drink, add a little honey if you prefer a sweeter taste.

- Consume this fenugreek tea approximately 3 times a day to effectively boost your breast milk supply.

Why This Works:

Fenugreek seeds have long been celebrated as a natural solution to increase breast milk supply. These tiny seeds are rich in phytoestrogens, plant compounds that mimic the hormone estrogen in the body. Additionally, fenugreek exhibits galactagogue properties, which essentially means it stimulates the production of breast milk. By consuming fenugreek tea, you're harnessing these natural properties to enhance lactation.

Remember, every woman's body responds differently, so be patient and consistent with your fenugreek tea consumption.

# Enhance Breast Milk Production with Torbangun


Torbangun leaves


- Consume torbangun leaves in the form of tea, soup, or by adding them to various foods. You can drink torbangun tea, prepare a nourishing soup, or simply incorporate it into your daily meals.

Why This Works:

Torbangun, a herb widely used in Bataknese traditional cuisine, has gained recognition beyond its cultural origins and is now making its way into Western awareness. This herb is renowned for its ability to naturally increase breast milk production. By including torbangun in your diet, whether through tea, soup, or culinary creations, you are tapping into a traditional wisdom that has been trusted for generations.

# Naturally Boost Breast Milk Supply with Drumstick Juice


1/2 cup of freshly extracted drumstick juice


- Integrate Drumstick Juice into Your Daily Routine:
- Consume half a cup of freshly extracted drumstick juice once daily.

Why This Works:

Drumsticks, often regarded as a culinary delight, offer more than just great taste. They are packed with essential nutrients that play a pivotal role in stimulating mammary glands for increased milk production. Drinking drumstick juice provides a concentrated dose of these nutrients, aiding in the natural enhancement of breast milk supply. Additionally, drumstick juice improves blood circulation, a factor that is closely linked to higher milk production.

# Increase Breast Milk Supply Naturally with Fennel Seeds


1 teaspoon of fennel seeds
1 cup of hot water
Honey (optional, for taste)


- Prepare Fennel Tea:
- Add a teaspoon of fennel seeds to a cup of hot water.
- Allow the mixture to steep for 5 to 10 minutes. After steeping, strain the tea to remove the seeds.
- Let the tea cool slightly before adding a touch of honey for sweetness. Consume fennel tea 2 to 3 times daily. Alternatively, you can also chew on some fennel seeds for the same effect.

Why This Works:

Fennel seeds have long been recognized as a natural galactagogue, a substance that promotes lactation in breastfeeding mothers. These seeds are rich in phytoestrogens, compounds that mimic the hormone estrogen. Estrogen is crucial for milk production and is one of the hormones known to boost lactation. By incorporating fennel tea into your daily routine, you're harnessing the power of phytoestrogens to naturally increase your breast milk supply.

# Enhance Breast Milk Production Naturally with Milk Thistle Supplements


Milk thistle supplements


- Take 2 to 3 milk thistle capsules daily as a dietary supplement.

Why This Works:

Milk thistle, a flowering plant with a rich history of traditional use, acts as a potent supplement for boosting milk production. This herbal remedy contains phytoestrogens, compounds that exhibit estrogenic activity in the body. Estrogen, a key hormone, plays a significant role in stimulating milk production. By incorporating milk thistle supplements into your daily routine, you are harnessing the natural phytoestrogenic properties of this plant, aiding in the enhancement of breast milk supply.

# Boost Breast Milk Production Naturally with Goat’s Rue Supplements


Goat’s rue supplements


- Take goat’s rue supplements daily as per the recommended dosage to increase your breast milk supply.

Why This Works:

Goat’s rue, a renowned galactagogue in European countries like France, is recognized for its ability to stimulate the development of mammary duct tissue. Moreover, it possesses lactogenic properties, meaning it actively promotes breast milk production. By incorporating goat’s rue supplements into your daily routine, you are harnessing the natural lactogenic properties of this herb to support and enhance your breast milk supply.


It’s crucial to consult your healthcare provider before using goat’s rue supplements. This herb may cause hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). Therefore, it’s essential to seek medical advice before starting any supplementation. Additionally, it’s important not to skip meals if you decide to take goat’s rue, ensuring your body has the necessary nutrients to maintain stable blood sugar levels.

# Enhance Breast Milk Production Naturally with Garlic


Peeled garlic cloves


- Mince the garlic cloves and add the paste to your dishes while cooking. Incorporate garlic into your meals for its lactogenic benefits.
- Alternatively, you can chew on a few garlic cloves throughout the day. Aim to do this when you don’t have to interact closely with others, as garlic breath might be strong.

Why This Works:

Garlic, a culinary gem, offers more than just flavor to your dishes. It possesses lactogenic properties, meaning it actively promotes breast milk production in mothers. Furthermore, garlic is known for its antifungal properties, providing additional health benefits. In addition to its physiological effects, it is often reported to strengthen the bond between the mother and her infant, enhancing the emotional connection during breastfeeding.

# Increase Breast Milk Supply Naturally with Herbal Tea


Herbal teas like anise tea or caraway tea


- Brew 2 to 3 cups of anise or caraway tea daily and enjoy this natural remedy to boost your breast milk supply.

Why This Works:

Herbal teas, particularly those containing anise or caraway, offer significant benefits for lactating mothers. These herbs are rich in phytoestrogens, compounds that mimic the hormone estrogen in the body. Phytoestrogens exhibit estrogenic properties, making them effective galactagogues, substances that promote lactation.

Consuming anise or caraway tea regularly helps stimulate the production of breast milk. Additionally, these herbal teas have the added advantage of clearing clogged milk ducts, ensuring a smooth flow of milk

# Boost Breast Milk Production Naturally with Salmon


Wild-caught cooked salmon


- Consume a portion of cooked salmon 2 to 3 times every week to support your breast milk production naturally.

Why This Works:

Salmon, particularly wild-caught varieties, is a nutritional powerhouse for breastfeeding mothers. It is exceptionally rich in omega-3 fatty acids and essential fatty acids, making it an ideal choice to naturally enhance breast milk production. These nutrients play a vital role in the overall health and development of both the mother and the child.

Additionally, salmon is abundant in DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), a crucial component of breast milk that supports the brain development of your child. By incorporating wild-caught cooked salmon into your diet regularly, you are providing your body with essential nutrients that contribute to increased breast milk production and promote the optimal growth and well-being of your child.


Ensure that you opt for wild-caught salmon, as it is lower in mercury and other toxins compared to commercially raised salmon. Prioritizing the quality of the salmon you consume ensures that you and your child reap the maximum health benefits while minimizing potential risks.

# Boost Breast Milk Supply Naturally with Oats


A bowl of cooked oats


- Consume a bowl of cooked oats daily to support natural breast milk production.

Why This Works:

Oats are a nutritional powerhouse that offers various benefits for lactating mothers. Rich in fiber and iron, oats play a significant role in reducing cholesterol levels and increasing breast milk production. Their high fiber content aids digestion, ensuring your body efficiently absorbs essential nutrients to support lactation.

Moreover, oats have a natural relaxing effect on the body. By inducing a sense of calm and relaxation, they help reduce stress, a factor that can impact milk supply negatively. The combination of relaxation and increased lactation makes oats an excellent choice for breastfeeding mothers.

In addition to consuming cooked oats, incorporating oat flour into lactation cookies is another delightful way to enjoy the benefits of oats while increasing milk supply.

# Boost Breast Milk Production Naturally with Whole Grains


Whole grains like corn, quinoa, and wheat


- Increase your intake of whole grains such as quinoa, corn, and wheat in your daily diet.

Why This Works:

Whole grains serve as a vital source of essential nutrients, not only supporting increased breast milk production but also ensuring that your infant receives all the necessary elements for optimal growth and development.

Whole grains, including quinoa, corn, and wheat, are rich in various vitamins, minerals, and dietary fibers. These nutrients are not only beneficial for your health but are also transferred to your child through breast milk, providing them with a well-rounded nutritional foundation.

However, it's important to note that many people are avoiding gluten-containing grains like wheat due to gluten sensitivities or celiac disease. If you are sensitive to gluten, consider alternatives such as quinoa and corn.

# Support Breast Milk Production Naturally with Almond Milk


Almond milk (unsweetened)


- Consume a cup of unsweetened almond milk 1 to 2 times daily to promote natural breast milk production.

Why This Works:

Almond milk, derived from almonds, is a valuable addition to the diet of nursing mothers. It is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, essential nutrients that play a crucial role in increasing breast milk production. These fatty acids not only enhance the quantity of breast milk but also contribute to its quality, ensuring that your little one receives nourishing and wholesome milk.

Regular consumption of unsweetened almond milk provides nursing mothers with the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids without the added sugars often found in sweetened versions. By integrating this nutritious beverage into your daily routine, you are supporting your body's natural ability to produce high-quality breast milk, offering your child the best possible nourishment for their growth and development.

# Enhance Breast Milk Production Naturally with Carom (Caraway) Seeds


1-2 teaspoons of carom seeds
1 cup of water


- Soak a teaspoon or two of carom seeds in water overnight, allowing them to absorb the liquid.

- The next morning, strain the mixture to remove the seeds. Consume the solution as a natural remedy to boost breast milk supply.

- Drink this solution daily to support your lactation.

Why This Works:

Carom seeds, also known as caraway seeds, have been a trusted remedy in traditional practices to naturally increase breast milk supply. These seeds contain compounds that stimulate lactation and support the overall health of nursing mothers. By soaking the carom seeds overnight, you are creating an infusion that captures the beneficial properties of the seeds.

Regular consumption of this solution provides your body with the natural elements it needs to enhance breast milk production.

Foods to Avoid While Breastfeeding to Prevent Decreased Milk Supply

Understanding what to avoid is as crucial as knowing what to include in your diet to maintain a healthy breast milk supply. Certain foods and substances have been linked to a decrease in breast milk production. Here's a list of items to be cautious about:

# Parsley:

While a common herb in cooking, large quantities of parsley are believed to have a mild diuretic effect, potentially impacting milk supply.

# Peppermint and Spearmint:

Both peppermint and spearmint contain compounds that might interfere with milk production. These herbs, often used in teas and candies, should be consumed in moderation.

# Sage:

Sage is known for its natural drying properties and has been historically used to reduce milk supply. It’s advised to limit the intake of sage-containing foods or teas.

# Oregano and Thyme:

These herbs are flavorful additions to many dishes, but in excess, they could potentially reduce breast milk production. Moderation is key.

# Alcohol:

Alcohol can pass into breast milk, and excessive consumption can affect both the quantity and quality of milk. It’s advisable to limit alcohol intake or pump and discard milk if you choose to consume alcohol occasionally.

Effective Strategies for Boosting Breast Milk Supply

In addition to avoiding foods that may decrease breast milk production, incorporating the following tips and techniques can significantly enhance lactation and support a healthy breastfeeding experience:

# Observe Baby’s Hunger Cues:

Pay close attention to your baby's hunger signals, especially in the initial weeks. Frequent feeding on demand helps stimulate milk production.

# Co-Sleeping:

Allow your baby to sleep close to you, preferably in the same room, for at least the first six months. Proximity can promote more frequent and efficient breastfeeding.

# Limit Pacifier Use:

Minimize the use of pacifiers, as this can interfere with your baby’s natural feeding cues and affect breastfeeding patterns.

# Healthy Diet and Hydration:

Follow a balanced milk-boosting diet, incorporating foods like drumsticks, fennel, oats, whole grains, fenugreek seeds, garlic, torbangun, and milk thistle. Ensure you drink plenty of fluids, avoiding sugary and aspartame-sweetened sodas, to stay well-hydrated.

# Adequate Rest:

Get sufficient rest and prioritize sleep to support your body's overall well-being and energy levels.

# Breast Massage and Pumping:

Try gentle milk-boosting breast massages or use a breast pump to encourage increased milk production. Both techniques can help stimulate milk flow and promote lactation.

# Comfortable Clothing:

Avoid tight bras and tops, opting for loose and comfortable clothing. Proper breast support without constriction can aid in milk flow and overall breast health.

# Consult a Lactation Specialist:
If you face persistent challenges with low milk production, consider consulting a lactation consultant. These professionals can provide personalized guidance and support tailored to your specific needs and circumstances.
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