8 Must Try Home Remedies For Dengue Fever

Dengue fever, a mosquito-borne viral illness, can be a distressing experience, causing symptoms such as high fever, severe headaches, joint and muscle pain, and a rash. While medical treatment is essential for severe cases, there are several home remedies that can complement professional care and help manage milder dengue symptoms. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore a range of must-try home remedies for dengue fever. These remedies are designed to provide relief and support your recovery process. From hydration tips to herbal remedies, discover how you can alleviate the discomfort of dengue and enhance your well-being during this challenging time. Embrace the power of natural remedies to ease your journey towards recovery.

# Gilory leave(Giloh ke patte)

This herb has been confirmed to be effective in controlling the symptoms.

Boil its stem in water with raw black pepper, till the volume of water reduces to half. Consuming it for couple of days is very helpful. It maintains the metabolic rate and increase immunity

# Papaya Leaves

The raw leaves of papaya have been found to be quite effective.Extract juice of leaves directly without boiling. Sequence the papaya leaves for fresh juice and consume it 1 to 2 times a day. This helps in increasing platelets count

# Fenugreek leaves (Methi)

Soak the methi leaves in water and drink the juice.You can give your child tea made with fenugreek leavesThis reduces the fever, improves the chills in your child, and acts as sedative to ease restlessness. This can help your child sleep well, too

# Lemon Eucalyptus oil

This oil is a natural mosquito repellent and widely used by companies to make artificial repellents.It has to be used in children above the age of 2 years. Either apply it over clothes or keep in house for its fumes. Mixing it with citronella and using as a spray really work well. Reapply after a few hours for better effect

# Lavender Oil

Another well-known mosquito repellent, lavender oil can be easily used around your house to repel breeding mosquitoes

# Turmeric(Haldi)

One of the most commonly used spice for generations, turmeric is known for its ability to fight off infections.Turmeric mixed in milk boost metabolism andhasten the process of healing in patient

# Tulsi Leaves (Holy basil)

Tulsi leaves are widely used in Indian homes as a medicinal and spiritual herb. When mixed in boiling water for preparing tea, it aids in fighting infection and promotes healing

# Black pepper(Kaali Mirch)

Black pepper has antibacterial properties. Adding 2 gm of black pepper (solid) in boiled tulsi water is good for treating dengue. It can prevent complications, too.
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