Drink One Glass Wine Daily and Feel These Benefits

Undoubtedly drinking habits can never be healthy but do you know that a glass of wine has magical health benefits? Every time, you must have seen headlines about the health advantages of wine. But can drinking wine really make a difference in health? Here we are presenting the list of wines benefits which is actually long—and getting more surprising all the time. It is well-known as heart healthy, reduce lack of memory, enhance your immunity, help you lose weight and help prevent bone loss. So, scroll down to discover magical benefits of a wine!

# Good for Brain

Wine helps to preserve memory. A glass in a day helps prevent clots and reduce blood vessel inflammation and heart disease. It also raises HDL, the so-called good cholesterol, which also helps unclog your arteries.

# Increase Calorie Burns

As per the latest research, it has been found that people who drink wine regularly have lower body mass then who usually drink. Wine encourages your body to burn extra fat for as long as 90 minutes after you drink a glass of wine. Beer also has similar health benefits.

# Reduces Cancer Risk

Red grapes are great source to suppress the activity of aromatase. Red wine serves as a nutritional aromatase inhibitor, which may decrease the high breast cancer risk link with intake of alcohol. If you don’t like to take wine, you may also eat red grapes as its seeds are especially helpful.

# Healthy Eyes

It controls blood vessel growth in the eyes, as per Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. It also helps to treat diabetic retinopathy and age-related macular degeneration.

# Stronger Bones

On an average, people who drink quite regular seem to have higher bone mass than who rarely drink. Alcohol boosts estrogen levels; the hormone slow the body’s destruction of old bone and also it slows the production of new bone.
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