Eating These Food Before Getting Intimate Might not Be Good

Hoping dinner paves the way for a naughty tryst? While nibbles like nuts and dark chocolate turn up the heat, other eats pull the plug on passion. While their side effects don't kick in immediately, spare yourself from so-so sex and avoid these lesser-known anti-aphrodisiacs pre-lovemaking.

# Beans

Beans are a pre-sex no-no just for the gas factor, they also make you super bloated. Beans contain a sugar that isn't digestible, so once they hit your stomach you're sure to puff up.

# Broccoli

Also on the sure-to-bloat you big time list are veggies like broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, which all contain a suger that's similar to the one in beans.

# Peppermint

Bad breath may be a turn-off, but freshening it up might not help your situation in the sack. The menthol in peppermint has been shown to reduce testosterone levels, sending sex drive plummeting.

# Tonic Water

If your drink of choice is gin and tonic, you may want to save it for nights when nookie isn't on the menu. Bubbly beverages, including soda and seltzer, can make you gassy and bloated.

# Oatmeal

There's no doubt that this morning munch has a slew of health benefits. In fact, oatmeal helps your body produce the stress-reducer known as serotonin, a moderate amount of which is good for your sex drive.
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