6 Health Benefits of Eating Jujube

Jujube, often hailed as a superfood, is more than just a flavorful treat. Packed with an array of health-boosting properties, this small, sweet fruit has garnered attention for its impressive nutritional profile. Bursting with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, jujubes offer a myriad of benefits that contribute to overall well-being. From supporting immune function to aiding digestion and promoting skin health, exploring the health advantages of consuming jujubes unveils a treasure trove of goodness within this unassuming fruit. Discover how incorporating jujubes into your diet can offer a natural boost to your health and vitality.

# Inhibits spread of cancer

The antioxidant enzymes present in jujube help in preventing cancer cells. According to one study done at the university of cambria, jujube extract could effectively slow down the spread of and even kill malignant breast cancer cells. Another study done in iran exhibited the ability of it in inhibiting the spread of cancerous tumor cell lines, especially leukemia cell lines.

# Promotes a healthy heart

Jujube fruit is loaded with potassium and low in sodium which makes it easier to relax your blood levels and maintain the blood pressure. It works as an antiatherogenic agent that prevents the accumulation or clogging of fat in your arteries. It was also found that it helps lower the amount of lipids in the blood of obese adolescents, reducing the chances of any kind of heart diseases.

# Treats ovary cysts

A research done by the Tehran university of medical sciences (Iran) revealed that by using a herbal product of jujube called Shilanum was just as effective as birth control pills to treat ovary cysts without causing too many side effects. Therefore, adding jujube to your diet might improve your ovarian health and fight with any possible diseases or infections.

# Removes breast milk toxins

In a study conducted in Iran reported that lactating mothers who ate 15 grams of fresh jujubes a day for 2 months had lower levels of toxic elements in their milk compared to that of the control group. The antioxidants present in jujube help reduce the levels of lead present in breast milk, eventually removing any toxins present in the body.

# Treats insomnia

Jujube is used as a Chinese medicine to treat insomnia. This is possible due to the saponins present in this fruit which have a sedative and hypnotic effect, which is perfect for inducing sleep. Consuming a cup of warm jujube tea before going to bed is the most natural way of getting a restful sleep and treat insomnia.

# Stress and anxiety

The calming effect of jujube fruit on the mind and body is the reason why it is used to treat anxiety, stress and depression. Where taking low doses of jujube can treat stress, taking high doses might result in sedative effect. Hence, feel free to eat a few jujubes whenever you seem to experience stress and anxiety (take in limited amount, unless you plan to sleep after, due to its sedative effect).
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