Health Benefits of Arracacha Includes Prevention From Cancer and Many Other Problems

Arracacha is a wonderful vegetable cultivated many regions throughout the world with numerous health advantages. The scientific name of Arracacha is Arracacia xanthorrhiza. It belongs to the genus: Arracacia, family: umbelliferae. It is believed that this wonderful vegetable is native to the Amazon region of South America, but now it is also cultivated widely all over the world for domestic and commercial purpose.

Due to various types of Vitamin, Minerals and nutrients, presence in the Arracacha, it has lots of health benefits. Among that some of the health benefits of Arracacha include improving the immune system, improve digestive system, prevent various types of cancer, increase blood circulation, prevents pregnancy problem, improves brain function, improve skin health, prevent anemia, helps with weight loss, reduce the cholesterol level and prevent the risk of diabetes.

# Helps to Prevents the Risk of Cancer

Due to the high amount of vitamin C present in Arracacha, it is very beneficial to prevent the risk of cancer. Vitamin C is an antioxidant, who fights against free radicals and prevent oxidative damage to our cells. Apart from this, Arracacha also contain beta-carotene, it is also an antioxidant and has an anti-cancer properties. Studies have been proven than consumption of Arracacha on a regular basis can improve the antioxidant properties in our body, so that we can eliminate free radical from our body and prevent the cancerous cell growth in our body.

# Improves Digestive Health

Arracacha is rich in dietary fiber, which is very good for our digestive health. Fiber helps to improve the bowel movement and provide smooth passage to food through digestive tract. It also helps to eliminate waste from our body on time and prevent various types of digestion related problem such as constipation, gas, bloating, digestive ulcers, etc.

# Improves Cardiovascular Health

Different studies have been proven that consumption of Arracacha on a regular basis is very good for cardiovascular health because it helps to reduce the bad cholesterol level of our body, such as LDL cholesterol and increase the good cholesterol level of our body, such as HDL cholesterol. LDL cholesterol is the main cause of various chronic heart diseases. Apart from this watercress is highly rich in Vitamin C, which is a strong antioxidant, it's fight against free radicals and stabilized them to do any kinds of oxidative damage to our cardiovascular cells and tissues.

# Boost Immunity

The high amount of Vitamin C and folates present in Arracacha is very beneficial for our immune system. Vitamin C helps to protect our body from foreign invaders such as bacteria and virus by improving the production of white blood cells in our body and it also helps to prevent the oxidative damage to our cells.

# Prevents Pregnancy Problems

Due to the high amount of Folate and iron content found in Arracacha, it is very beneficial for pregnant women and unborn baby. Studies have been proven that consumption of folate and iron rich food, such as Arracacha can reduce the risk of neural tube deficiency and keep the mother healthy.

# Prevents Cognition

Arracacha is highly rich in Folate and iron, which is very beneficial to prevent the cognitive decline. Studies have been proven that those who are consuming folate and iron rich food such as Arracacha on a daily basis, they have less chance of affecting by cognitive decline issues.

# Prevent Cataract

Arracacha is highly rich in Vitamin C, it helps to keep our eyes healthy and prevent various types of vision related issues such as cataract. Vitamin C is a strong antioxidant, which prevents the oxidative damage to our cells, thus prevents the macular degeneration, which is the main cause of vision issues such as cataract. It has been proven that those who are consuming Arracacha on a regular basis they have better eyesight.

# Improves Bone Health

Arracacha is highly rich in calcium, which is very good for our bone health and prevent various types of bone related issues such as osteoporosis. Calcium is the most important mineral for bone; it helps to increase the bone density and helps in building and repairing bones. Studies have been proven that those who are consuming calcium rich food such as Arracacha, they have stronger bones and they have less chance of affected by bone related diseases such as osteoporosis. Apart from this Arracacha also has folate component, which is also helping to maintain the bone density and it also prevent the oxidative damage to our bone and age related problem of bones.

# Improves blood circulation

The consumption of Arracacha helps in improving your blood circulation because it contains high levels of the mineral iron, which increases the number of the red blood cells. Improved blood circulation ensures increased oxygen supply to all the cells, tissues and vital organs of your body. Eating iron rich foods like Arracacha helps in preventing iron deficient anemia and also in promoting cellular regeneration and healing.

# Helps in Weight Loss:

Arracacha is highly rich in dietary fiber, which is very beneficial to control the body weight. Fiber helps to keep our stomach feel fuller for a long period of times low and fiber also controls our urge to eat again and again. Apart from this Arracacha is highly rich in nutrients, vitamin B1, calcium and other mineral, which helps to improve the metabolism that means food that we consume is converted into energy, so that our body will not want more energy for a longer period of time.
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