International Yoga Day 2018- Yoga Asans To Treat Thyroid

Yoga brings many benefits to your overall health and well-being. It can balance your energy, increase flexibility, and relieve stress. There is a connection between stress and hypothyroidism, but certain yoga poses are thought to balance out thyroids that are either underactive or overactive.

Several studies have shown the positive effect of yoga on improving thyroid function. Keep in mind that these poses cannot cure your thyroid imbalance. Yoga is considered a complementary therapy. It shouldn’t be used as a replacement for any therapies or medications you’re currently undergoing.

* Supported shoulderstand

Shoulderstand is often the first pose that’s suggested to treat the thyroid. Since it’s an inversion, it stimulates blood flow to the glands in the upper body. This is believed to have a positive effect on the efficiency of the thyroid. Additionally, the way your chin is tucked into your chest in this position is believed to benefit thyroid function.

* Plow pose

In plow pose, your thyroid is believed to get the same stimulation as it does in shoulderstand. You may find it easier to do plow pose.

* Fish pose

Fish pose is the perfect counter pose to shoulderstand. It’s more accessible and can also be done on its own.

* Legs-up-the-wall pose

Viparita Karani, or legs-up-the-wall pose, is a restorative inversion. It doesn’t put pressure on the neck and is suitable for most people. It’s an excellent choice since it’s passive and helps to restore your balance.

* Cat-cow pose

The fluid motion in cat-cow pose is also believed to stimulate your thyroid. Drawing your chin into your chest and then exposing your throat chakra brings blood flow to this area.
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