Keep Your High Blood Sugar Controlled With These 12 Home Remedies

High blood sugar is also called hyperglycemia. It’s a condition that normally happens when there is too much blood sugar (also called blood glucose) in your bloodstream.

The most common cause for high blood sugar is diabetes (whether it be prediabetes, type one, or type two). While diabetes is the most common, it can also result in severe illness, heart attack, Cushing’s Syndrome, hyperthyroidism, pancreatic cancer or pancreatitis, hormone-secreting tumors, and stroke.

Most of you reading this are reading it because you do not wish to go to the doctor. With hyperglycemia, you must if your blood sugar does not lower into a safe or normal range within a couple of days.

# Exercise

This is one of the best and easiest ways to keep your blood levels right where they should be. You do have to be careful with when you exercise. Having high blood sugar is bad, but if there are ketones (byproducts of the break down of fat for energy when carb intake is low) then don’t exercise as it can actually increase your blood sugar. Try to exercise for about 150 minutes a week.

# Change Your Food Plan

Avoiding beverages with a lot of sugar, and frequent snacking can help with keeping your blood sugar down. Basically, if it has a lot of refined sugar or carbs in it, don’t eat it! This includes soda, candy, energy drinks, and bakery.

# Watch Your Insulin

Too much or not enough insulin can get your blood sugar too low and neither are good. If you are having frequent highs, talk to your doctor to get it adjusted. This tip is especially important for those who are prediabetic or diabetic.

# Sugar Substitutes

Refined sugar is bad in general, but it can also majorly spike your blood sugar. Natural sugars are better for you (think maple syrup and raw honey), but can still raise your blood sugar. The best thing you can eat, as far as sweeteners go, would be stevia.

# Avoid Alcohol

Drinking alcohol is one of the worst things you could possibly do for your blood sugar or diabetes. Beer is the worst as it is made of wheat and high in carbs as a result. Avoid these entirely if you are struggling with high blood sugar

# Grains in Moderation

Grains should be eaten sparingly because the large amounts of carbs are quickly broken into sugars; gluten can cause intestinal inflammation. If you often have stomach troubles, see a doctor see if you have a gluten intolerance.


Foods with GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms)are known for promoting liver and kidney disease. Not eating packaged foods, soy, corn, and canola can be beneficial for your health. You can find foods that are either organic or foods that specifically state there is no GMO to add to your diet.

# Fiber

Fiber lessens how quickly glucose is absorbed, detoxifies, and helps you keep your blood sugar levels in check. Eat foods that high in fiber like berries, chia seeds and flax seeds, avocados, brussels, and peas.

# Avoid Hydrogenated Oils

Plant-based oils are supposed to liquids at room temperature. If the oil is not a liquid (or even semi-solid), that means that it has been processed and processed foods are bad because they have been cheated with chemicals, dyes, and cause health issues, which includes diabetes complications. Some of these oils to avoid include but are not limited to soybean and vegetable, cottonseed and canola.

# Magnesium

This is another substance that helps to keep your blood sugar in check while helping to improve the metabolism. Eat more pumpkin seeds, yogurt, spinach, almonds, chard, and black beans to see if it helps you at all.

# Chromium

Chromium strengthens how well your body deals with sugar so it also balances your blood sugar levels. Eat broccoli, green beans, grass-fed beef, raw cheese, and brewer’s yeast to add more chromium to your diet.

# Protein

Grass-fed beef, wild-caught fish, bone broth, lentils, chicken, and eggs are all high in protein. Protein will slow sugar absorption. Try to eat some sort of protein with every meal.
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