5 Health Benefits of Drinking Lauki Juice Regularly

Bottle gourd, commonly known as lauki or dhudhi in the Indian subcontinent, holds a prominent place as a popular vegetable with a multitude of health benefits according to Ayurveda. Lauki Juice, extracted from this vegetable, boasts exceptional nutritional value and is associated with numerous health advantages, addressing ailments such as diabetes, cholesterol issues, weight management, and digestive tract problems, among others.

Rich in vital nutrients like Vitamin A, C, riboflavin, Niacin, thiamine, Zinc, sodium, Folate, magnesium, calcium, iron, potassium, and Vitamin B6, alongside carbohydrates, proteins, and dietary fibers, lauki retains approximately 90% water content. This high water content, coupled with its nutrient profile, contributes to its spongy texture and ease of digestion. Lauki also serves as an excellent source of dietary fiber, promoting a healthy digestive system.

# Benefits of lauki Juice in diabetes

A diabetic patient has this recurring thirst which can be controlled with the bottle gourd juice. bottle gourd juice also keeps the blood sugar levels in check when consumed every day. Other than that the thirst that is caused by the consumption of fatty foods is also controlled with this juice.

# Benefits of Lauki Juice for digestive system

Bottle gourd juice is highly beneficial for a proper functioning of the digestive system. It aids in proper digestion of the food and tones the system. Lauki juice also helps to get rid of the problems like flatulence, bloating, piles and constipation. Regular consumption of lauki as in the vegetable cooked form or its juice helps keeps the gut clean. This juice also gives relief in stomach acidity and ulcer problem.

# Nutrients benefits of lauki juice

As mentioned earlier lauki has high percentage of water content and still the amount of nutrients are high like that of vital vitamins and essential mineral with very less calories. Per 100 grams bottle gourd has only 14 calories and negligible fat content. As the bottle gourd has 90 % water, it replenishes the body fluids and also revitalizes the body.

# Benefits of lauki juice in weight loss

Now, due to this very feature of lauki juice that it has very less calories and fats, bottle gourd juice is excellent for weight loss and those of us who needs to keep the weight under check without depriving the body of the essential nutrients.

# Lauki juice for heart and blood pressure

Lauki juice when consumed daily or regularly is known to cut down and reduce the bad cholesterol which is low density lipoproteins. When the cholesterol is less heart functions well without the extra pressure on the arteries. This also prevents the condition like arteriosclerosis and reduces the chances of strokes and heart attacks. Consumption of lauki juice improves the blood circulation in the body as well.
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