6 Natural Tips To Manage Asthma at Home

Asthma is a non-communicable disease affecting all age groups and is the most common chronic disease among children. In 2019, around 262 million people all over the world had asthma. Inflammation in the airways causes this health disorder. Your airways become narrower with mucus blocking the airflow. This triggers certain symptoms of asthma such as:

Gasping breath
Shortness of breath

There are many risk factors that can trigger or cause asthma apart from genetics. They include:


Asthma doesn’t pose harm to everyone but can make some patients more vulnerable. In case of an asthma attack, treatment options such as medications and inhalers can provide relief.Home remedies for asthma may also ease your symptoms. They work best when taken alongside your usual asthma medications. Read on for some ayurvedic health tips for managing asthma.

# Ginger

A study found that supplements of ginger can ease symptoms of asthma. Ginger is an herb that has anti-inflammatory properties. A cup of ginger tea mixed with crushed garlic can prove to be effective in clearing your airways by releasing mucus. This further helps in asthma attack treatment. You can eat ginger daily to gain from its medical benefits or add it to your dishes while cooking. During winters, add ginger to your tea.

# Garlic

In patients who display signs of asthma, the surrounding parts of airways become swollen. Under such circumstances, garlic can help relieve or reduce swelling. Besides improving the smell and taste of food, garlic also offers many health benefits. Adding garlic to your food will help soothe and open up the airways. A study found that garlic has anti-inflammatory properties that may help relieve symptoms of asthma.

# Honey

Honey is often used in cold remedies. It helps soothe the throat and reduces or prevents coughing. Consume honey during winters to prevent colds as coughing can worsen symptoms of asthma. Mix honey with hot herbal tea or consume a spoonful of it every morning along with tulsi leaves. This is one of the effective home remedies of asthma to provide relief for your symptoms.

# Turmeric

Turmeric is a spice used very often in Indian meals. It is known for its anti-inflammatory and anti-allergy properties. As you know, allergies can worsen the symptoms of asthma . Turmeric affects histamines that cause inflammation. Thus, it can relieve signs of asthma and prevent attacks. So, use this spice in cooking, but make sure you use organic turmeric powder or fresh turmeric that you powder yourself. You can also prepare turmeric and ginger tea. Drinking this twice a day can reduce the frequency of asthma attacks.

# Licorice

Mainly found in parts of Europe and Asia, licorice is an herb that is used as medicine and added to food for flavor. It is known as mulethi and is rich in anti-inflammatory properties. Drinking tea made with half a teaspoon of licorice and half a teaspoon ginger can help you manage the symptoms of asthma .

# Bay leaf

This aromatic leaf is often used in cooking for flavor and fragrance. It can be used in its raw or dry form. It is believed that adding half a teaspoon of bay leaf and ¼ teaspoon of pippali to 1 teaspoon of honey and consuming it two to three times a day helps keep asthma issues at bay.

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