Suffering From Lower Back Pain, Try Out These Exercises

A series of exercise routines you can do to help reduce any lower back pain (occasionally referred to as low back pain), including tension, stiffness and soreness. These exercises will help to stretch, strengthen and mobilize the lower back.

When starting out, go gently to get used to the movements and work out how far you can go into each position without feeling pain. Aim to do this routine at least once a day if the pain allows. You can complement this routine with walking, cycling and water-based activities.

# Stretching

Stand with feet staggered, left leg in front. Bend front knee about 90 degrees and lower back knee a few inches from floor. Press right hip forward, feeling a stretch along front of hip. Hold for 20 to 30 seconds. Switch sides.

# Yoga

Sit on heels, knees hip-distance apart. Exhale and lower torso between thighs. Reach arms forward. Hold for about 30 to 60 seconds.

# Strength Training

Stand with feet hip-distance apart. Bend knees, shifting hips back as if sitting into a chair, and lift arms. Hold for 1 count; return to start. Do 10 to 15 reps.

# Pilates

Lie faceup on floor, knees bent, ankles under knees. Exhaling, gently tilt hips up slightly, keeping butt on floor and flattening spine. Hold for a few seconds, then inhale and return to neutral (starting) position. Do 5 to 10 reps.
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