Worried About Weight Loss? Try Brewing These 5 Teas Before Going To Bed

Did you know you can burn belly fat even as you sleep? Incorporate these five weight-loss teas into your nightly routine to aid in shedding those extra pounds. If you've recently gained weight and are eager to kickstart your weight-loss journey, the beginning can demand ample motivation and commitment. If you've hesitated to start but are now determined to shed those extra kilos, these five teas for weight loss might be your perfect starting point.

# Cinnamon tea

Ladies, say hello to cinnamon tea if you want to boost your weight loss journey. This is an absolute star when it comes to weight loss. Being a powerhouse of energy and known to satiate your appetite, cinnamon is a spice that also boosts metabolism as your body uses more energy to process it. Apart from providing plenty of weight loss benefits, cinnamon acts as a natural anti-inflammatory agent that will help you de-bloat and reduce your overall stress.

# Chamomile tea

From reducing bloating, and inducing sleep to weight loss, chamomile tea is one beverage with multiple benefits. Chamomile tea helps in relieving digestive disorder issues like belly cramps, irritable bowel syndrome, indigestion, and gas. It has healing ingredients like apigenin and bisabolol that have been used to treat insomnia since times immemorial. Chamomile tea is a healthy way of inducing feelings of sleepiness and getting a good night’s sleep.

# Peppermint tea

Loaded with antioxidants and nutrients, peppermint tea has a host of benefits for women’s bodies including weight loss. This refreshing tea is not just low in calories but also curbs your hunger and boosts digestion. Peppermint helps increase the temperature of the body which further improves our metabolism. It also reduces tension headaches, and clogged sinuses and helps you sleep better. You will be glad to know that this tea is also known for its soothing properties and can help you cut down your calorie intake during the day and hence result in weight loss.

# Green tea

A very popular option for weight loss, green tea is packed with antioxidants called catechins which aid in weight loss and fat loss by boosting metabolism and increasing fat-burning rate. A study published in the National Library of Medicine state that people who drink green tea lost 3.3 kgs more in weight than the placebo group. Make sure you choose the low caffeine version if you plan to take it before bed. By the way, green has less caffeine content than black tea.

# Lavender tea

Lavender is an extremely helpful ingredient for hair growth. But guess what? Another great benefit of lavender tea is to help with weight loss. Lavender tea can be enjoyed as a soothing bedtime tea. It promotes relaxation and enhances the quality of sleep you get. And getting adequate, quality sleep is an important part of a healthy weight loss plan. Moreover, It is also known to help with stress and anxiety which could be contributing factors to insomnia.
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